Donovan H. Wickhelm

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An OC and above art by TheGoldenGoatFluff

This OC and review contain themes of mental health issues and substance misuse. Mentions of torture as well as relationship abuse. If you're uncomfortable with the above, I suggest overlooking this review.

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I hope you don't mind, I've edited your form a bit! I've re-arranged some sections to make it easier for how I review. I've also looked at all the links provided and have spliced documents and information together so I've got everything relevant in one place.


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Original type world created by my friend and I. It contains medieval elements like kingdoms, knights, peasants, that sort of thing. However, it also contains fantasy elements like monsters and magic while also having modern elements like phones, computers, and television. Technically the technology of this world is powered by magic but works similarly to real world items albeit more effectively. This world is called 'Kioan' which means 'World of Green' in a long since dead language. However, the name kind of stuck and Kioan is this world's name.

**-Aura Scale (Still in progress!)-**

Auras are a big deal in this world. They demonstrate how powerfully gifted in magic someone is. Normally, you can't see the aura but there are spells to make them visible to people. They can take shape but this is extremely rare and only really happen in royalty or shapeshifters.

[ I understand why a powerful shapeshifter may be able to give shape to their aura but why are shapes also reserved for royalty, albeit rarely? Did something occur in the past for this to happen? This is something to think about when you and your friend are worldbuilding and  thinking about the history of Kioan.]

-For example: Black is extremely weak while White is extremely powerful

In Donovan's case, his aura is red thanks to his unique ability. It is a strength-based ability and red represents power and strength. 

[ Interesting idea with the aura, although I find myself a little confused on how they function. Do white and black auras still, have an effect on people with a specialized magic type? Let's say Donovan's aura is like a poppy red and his friend, I don't know Mark's aura is also red but more of Tuscan red, would the difference in shade show that Donovan is more powerful than Mark? Or does a person have two auras a specialised one as well as a grayscale one? Are people with a darker aura as less of a person? Is there discrimination between colours or shades of auras?]

**-Starting information-**

Name: Donovan Harvey Wickhelm

Nickname(s): Donny(Lunar calls him this), Don(Generally anyone calls him this), Don-Von(Felix calls him this)

Opinions on Nicknames(A reviewer gave me this idea):

-Donny: "Lunar gave me that one. It's adorable when he calls me that, I must admit."

-Don: "Sometimes when people are talking to Dawn I get confused but other than that I don't have an opinion."

-Don-Von: "...Heh...Felix..."

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