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Chapter 34 - Butterfly by UMI

Lisa's POV

Jennie was awakened by the ringing of her phone. I tried to ignore it, and I think Jennie did so too because the call ended without this girl beside me moving a single muscle to answer it.

Then it rang again. Earning a groan from my kitten. Is this how New York life always has been for her?

Ahh, New York. The city that never sleeps. I'm starting to really see and understand more the life Jennie has taken.

But my sleepy mind was awakened as I heard the urgency and shock on Jennie's voice. I suddenly became alert. It's as if I drank a Red Bull or something.

"What was that about?"

"Chahee's been arrested."


We are now inside Jennie's car as she drives us both to bail out Chahee. Jennie was driving since I still haven't gotten the hang of going around the city. I've always relied on GPS.

Jennie's sighs are audible inside the cold silent vehicle. I can sense the amount of stress she's feeling right now.

I mean, she's had a rough week. The incident at the party, police reports, meetings, her rollercoaster emotions dealing with us, then this. Getting Chahee out of bars.

Just getting woke in the middle of your sleep is enough to make you pissed. But bailing someone who's old enough to take care of themselves just because your 'never' present dad gives you that responsibility?

If I was Jennie, I'd goddamn turn the place upside down.

But she's just holding herself, graceful, collected, with that, I admire her more.

But the amount of her sighs tells me she needs to relieve things off her chest.

I placed my hand on her thigh, squeezing it. She glanced in my direction fast then focused on the road again.

My baby's mind has been so preoccupied she must've forgotten I was with her.

"Jennie, ease up a little. You've been clogging your mind again. Tell me what you're thinking." I said as softly as I could to let her relax a bit.

She sighed again but felt her relax a little. Getting her mind all reeled up with thoughts will only exhaust her.

Butterfly, butterfly
Where you gonna go tonight?


Jennie's POV

I must've been sighing non-stop throughout my driving that Lisa has kind of worried.

I've totally forgot that she was with me. My deep thoughts on what I'm going to do with Chahee keeps my mind tired.

How do I start telling her what I'm thinking?

"I'm worried how much marijuana Chahee has had with her. I mean, Lisa. She's a foreigner, and owning an amount of weeds can lead to not just jail time for years, there will be court hearings.."

I felt myself trail off as the thought of accompanying Chahee inside the courthouse..

Courthouses were never a friendly place for me. God I should tell my therapist this newfound information: courthouses might be one of the places that traumatized me.

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