Chapter 1: King

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"KILL THE KING!" The man shouted as he held up his sword, his army shouted as well while looking up at the very man who killed their families.
The King stood there and looked down at the men, he didn't care about them and he wasn't worried about death coming his way. The King was a very powerful man and everyone feared him, even the men who wanted to slay him were afraid of him.
The King walked down the concrete steps and stood in the middle of the men, they all swarmed him like bee's.
"Fucking pests." The King said loudly, his voice was deep and demanding and the men didn't know how to respond.

The men aimed their weapons at the King and he didn't move from his spot, he was extremely arrogant and cocky he knew that they wouldn't harm him

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The men aimed their weapons at the King and he didn't move from his spot, he was extremely arrogant and cocky he knew that they wouldn't harm him.
"What are you waiting for!?" He asked the men and they looked around not knowing how to reply. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? KILL ME ALREADY!" He demanded and the men moved away from him.

"Don't be afraid men! Kill him!" The leader said and the men listened, they all stabbed him in different parts of his perfect body.
But they all watched on in fear as the blades broke and he was still standing.
     "Was that it?" He asked and pulled out his sword, he spined once and cut them all in half. Their bodies fell to the ground and the king's eyes changed from a dark brown too a bright orange color.

The leader of the group couldn't believe what he just witnessed, he knew the King was powerful but not like this.
"King Yixing please forgive me, please have mercy." He begged for his life but it was too late, the King has already thought about what to do with him.
   "Take him to the dungeon!" He shouted and the man begged him because he's heard the rumors about the dungeon, a vicious dragon lived there and he didn't want to be eaten.

Yixing: "I'm not taking any visitors." He said as he walked back up the stairs and into his temple.


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"My Lord! The tea is ready." His servant says and set down the tray in front of King Yixing, he poured him a cup and held it up in front of him.
    "I like the scent of poison in the morning." He said and drank the whole cup.

Everyone knew that the King couldn't die, he was immortal and proud. "Who is this?" He asked as he saw the small boy next to his servant.
"M-My son my Lord! He's sick and I had to bring him with me." She said with fear in her voice.

Yixing: "I see, well bring him over to me." He said and she obeyed his order.

King Yixing looked at the boy with emptiness in his eyes, he placed both hands around his neck and twisted his head behind his back. The servant screamed as she saw her son being murdered right in front of her, he was only seven years old.

King Yixing stood up and stabbed the servant in the chest, she slowly closed her eyes as she felt herself dying. "My Lord, what shall we do with him?" The guard asked and looked down at the floor which was stained by blood.
"I shall set Lay free for his meal." He said and walked away.

[Man's POV]

I set there crying as I thought about my family being killed right in front of me, all because we didn't have an offering to bring the King.
I looked around and there were so many people locked up in cells waiting to die, and so was I.
I heard the heavy steel door open and the King walked in, he stood there and looked at me.

I heard the heavy steel door open and the King walked in, he stood there and looked at me

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"Just kill me already" I said and he smirked, I knew that he was messing with me. He was trying to get me angry and I wasn't letting him win.

Yixing: "Kim Junmyeon, the poor villager. How much do you beg a day?" He asked and I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him.

I then turned around and he was standing right behind me, his eyes were orange and I was fearful of him even though I didn't give a damn about dying because I wanted to be with my family.
"You have a distant daughter don't you?" He asked and I didn't reply, I didn't want him to know about my daughter y/n.

Yixing: "Should I pay her a visit? Do you think she'll taste good as you?" He asked and I slapped him, when I realized what I just done he said "You want to play now?".

"Shit!" I swore out loud too myself because I fucked up, and I fucked up badly.

Yixing: "I won't give you what you want until I kill your entire family, now! Tell me her name!"

Junmyeon: "NEVER!" I replied and he stood up, he turned into a huge dragon and then looked at me, a low growl could be heard and I felt fear that I've never felt before.

I heard everyone screaming as he ate them all, he killed everyone who were locked in cages.
"Shit! I have to get out of here." I thought too myself, I didn't know what to do until I saw the small opening. The man in front of me sacrificed himself for me, so I got out and ran. I had to find you before he did, I had to protect you with my life.
I was outside when I heard it's mighty roar, I hid behind a building as he chased after me.
A loud boom sound could be heard Everytime he took a step. My heart was pounding in my chest as he got closer, but a woman appeared from nowhere and opened a bottle.
It didn't effect me one bit but it looked like the dragon was in pain "RUN!" The woman shouted and I then realized that she was the witch.

I ran out of the kingdom and back home, I knew that you were safe in Korea and he wouldn't be able to find you.

[End Of Chapter]

The King: Zhang Yixing FFWhere stories live. Discover now