Chapter 1: S2 Awaken

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"Wake up!" I heard the man shout at me, I didn't want to open my eyes because I was terrified.
I felt him shake me, slapping me, and he even though water over me.
I slowly opened my eyes to see who he was, and I must admit that he was extremely handsome.

I slowly opened my eyes to see who he was, and I must admit that he was extremely handsome

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"Finally! How are you feeling?" He asked.

You: "I'm okay I think, but where am I?" I asked as I looked around.

"This is my place, King Yixing tried to kill you so my brother saved you and brought you back here.

You: "Oh. Where is he?"

"He's gone into town for a few days, so you're stuck here with me." He said and set down on the couch, pouring him a glass of wine.

You: "This is a nice place umm." I said because I didn't know his name.

Leo: "I'm Leo" he said and shook my hand.

You: "Nice to meet you Leo, I'm y/n."

The front door slammed and he walked in, his aura scared me and he didn't look human.

The front door slammed and he walked in, his aura scared me and he didn't look human

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Ten: "So you're finally awake! My name is Ten and you can thank me with blood." He said and moved towards me, but I moved away until he pinned me against the wall.

Leo: "Alright that's enough Ten, don't drain her blood." He said and he Ten smirked at me, and suddenly moved away.

Leo: "There's something you need to understand y/n, this world doesn't just have dragons but many evil monsters. You know vampire's, werewolves, and types of ghouls."

You: "What! No you must be kidding, Vampire's and Werewolves don't exist, plus I've never seen one."

Leo turned to Ten and nodded, what I saw next would forever change the way I looked at life.

       His eyes turned from blue to a dark red, his veins turned black and I could hear a low growl coming from deep inside of him. He slammed me against the wall and I saw his fangs as he opened his mouth, and licked my neck. I was shaking in terror while Leo just looked on, I was terrified and he just stood there looking at his watch.

The King: Zhang Yixing FFWhere stories live. Discover now