Chapter 12 [END S1]

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I stood there looking at Jungkook not knowing what to do, I was afraid of what would happen because I didn't know how to use Luna I didn't know what powers I posse.
Dahyun looked desperate as she waited for my order, but I didn't know what to do or say.
I was intimated by Jungkook, but I watched on as he tried to kill Yixing. I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle, but I suddenly heard screaming coming from Kai.
His oragans were being ripped from his body because Dahyun began to eat him as if he was her lunch.
Jungkook looked at me in disbelief, he grabbed Yixing and he suddenly burst into flames. His screaming was horrible but he stopped and started to laugh, the flames disappeared as if they were absurd by his body.
"My dragon lives on fire!" He shouted and I was amazed that Lay was up in the sky, his wounds healed and Jungkook looked pissed off.
"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!" He shouted and was attacked by Lay, Lay ripped open his throat and his blood ran down his body and onto the ground.

Yixing fell to the ground and I ran towards him, he was coughing up blood. I started to cry as I held him in my arms hoping he would be okay.
"I'm going to die y/n." He said and I held him tighter, I couldn't let him die I needed him.

Dahyun: "Help him y/n! You can heal him." She said and I shook my head because I didn't know how.

Lay: "Close your eyes y/n and focus! Use your energy." He said so I did exactly what he told me.

I started to feel warmth around my body, I opened my eyes to see a brightness coming from me.
Yixing stopped coughing and looked at me with a warm smile, I was actually doing this I was healing him.

Lay: "Good job, now stop! You don't want to run out of power. Dahyun you're coming with me, you're in big trouble for acting on your own."

Dahyun: "I had to do something, she has no idea what she's doing! I'm a damn Luna not some pet!"

Lay: "I understand, but you have a duty too listen too your masters orders and you acted on your own."



Yixing and I set down on the sidewalk and held each other as we watched everyone clean up the mess, I was so happy that I could heal him but I needed more practice with my powers.

Yixing: "I've been thinking about something my beautiful queen."

You: "Really? What is it?" I asked with a smile.

Yixing: "I never cared about you, I don't even love you." He said and my heart broke.

You: "What are you saying?" I asked and he smirked.

Yixing: "Come with me and I'll show you what I'm talking about." He said and I followed him and I would live to regret that decision.

We walked for a while until we reached the destination, it was so beautiful but I didn't know what was going on with Yixing

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We walked for a while until we reached the destination, it was so beautiful but I didn't know what was going on with Yixing.

Yixing: "Beautiful isn't it? I thought it would be a nice place to die." He said and then grabbed me by the throat, dangling me from the bridge.

You: "YIXING STOP! DON'T DO THIS!" I begged and pleaded for my life, I was afraid and didn't know how to get out of this situation.

"YIXING NO!" Lay shouted and tackled him to the ground and I fell, luckily Dahyun caught me.

Lay: "Shit! We have a serious problem, Yixing must've died because I don't sense his soul I only sense the evil that lived deep inside of him. We called him the killer."

You: "So now what?" I asked.

Yixing: "You die." He said and I turned behind me and there he was, Dahyun and Lay looked like they were in shock.

Yixing through me over the bridge and I hit my head on the huge rock below me, everything was fading fast and I saw the blood pouring from my head. Yixing jumped down and saw that I was alive.
He knocked out Lay and Dahyun so I was on my own, this was it I was going to die.

He knocked out Lay and Dahyun so I was on my own, this was it I was going to die

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Yixing: "Still breathing, now that breaks my heart. I wanted you to die quickly, but it looks like I better finish this."

He grabbed me by my hair and banged my head against the boulder over and over again and I couldn't breathe, it was like I was slowly choking on my own blood.
I saw a dark shadow behind him before blacking out, I knew for a fact that I was dead.
I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe! Nothing.
I suddenly felt like my soul was being sucked out of my body, I was able to open my eyes again but was met with a bright light so this was heaven?

"Wake up!" He said and I was wondering who it was, and where was I.

You: "Who are you?" I asked and he didn't answer, I felt him when he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

This man healed me and took me away, I had so many questions but I needed to know where Yixing was.

You: "Where's Yixing?" I asked and he stopped.

???: "Who cares! Don't worry about him, I'm taking you away from here FOREVER! you will be my Queen not his!" He said and I passed out but not before I thought.....

........Hell was about to rise

The King: Zhang Yixing FFWhere stories live. Discover now