Forthseeing Future(Episode 1)

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It's 6 in the morning, there's a warm sunrise and Austin Vincent is just awake, heading for meditation in the balcony of his king size room. After meditating, he practices yoga . Once done with Yoga, he prepares his breakfast with the help of his butler David who is in his fifty's and has been taking care of Austin since many year's. After having breakfast, he goes through all the current affairs news in his iPad.

Now its 8:00a.m. and Austin is getting ready for his office, it's just another normal day for Austin and he wants to make sure that each and every moment of his day should be spent in such a way that it could not get wasted even for a second.

In this casual start of a hectic day, a middle-aged man arrives at Austin's house. On seeing this man Austin's face got bright and gets fully charged to start this new fresh day of his life. This Middle-aged man is Austin's father's closest friend Mr. Peter Ball, he is the person who has raised Austin since his childhood. Austin lost his parents at the age of eleven in plane crash.

Austin's father Richard Vincent and Peter Ball were very good friends and had started their business journey together. Richard had a beautiful wife and a cute son Austin, while Peter has no family except Richard's friendship. After Austin's parents sudden demise, Peter Ball raised him with all his love and care. Huge successful company- MSK Industries, whose CEO is Austin was started by his father and Peter Ball 30 years ago. He came to see Austin to wish him good luck for his new project.

Lilly Marker is still on bed, her mother Mrs. Bella Marker arrives in her room and yells at her like any other mother would,

"Lillyyy!! it's already 9o'clock in the morning and you are still asleep. Such a careless girl you are, always getting on my nerves. If you are not awake in next 10 mins, I'm gonna lock you all day."

After shouting this, she shuts the door strongly and left her room.

Lilly opens her bright eyes and smiles, because she got up most of the times like this only; her mom yelling at her, otherwise she will end up waking in mid-afternoon.

Yes, Lilly just loves to sleep and eat as well.

She is 23 years old and had just completed her post-graduation in Food & Hygiene Administration and is now, hunting for a good job. She has sent her resume to various companies but, haven't received any call letter for interview, maybe because of her average grades. That doesn't make her worry at all. She's pretty confident about her knowledge, skills and is confident about finding a worth job soon.

Lilly's father Mr. Edward Marker is retired Audit Officer and loves her a lot. It's maybe because of her father that Lilly is super strong and confident, because he always believes in her. Morning breakfast is ready and Lilly with her parents is enjoying the meal, then suddenly she receives an email for her interview from MSK Industries. As soon as she received her mail, she jumped with joy and hugged her father from back.

"Dad-Mom! guess what...? I just got a call for interview from a huge company, none other than MSK Industries. I knew it, that they are not only searching someone with A+ grades, but someone who can actually give justice to this job."

Lilly's mom-

"Why are you this much happy..? You are behaving as if they have selected you in the interview and given you the job of officer already. Just go in the room and prepare for tomorrow and I will pray to God, that you will easily crack the interview and get this job."

Lilly's father-

"Yes my lovely daughter, you have already reached level one, now go on with next step you will definitely shine out tomorrow. Dad loves you."

Lilly in her joyful excited mood went straight to her room and calls her best friend Emy. They both are best friends since last six years, they have completed their graduation and post-graduation together. Emy after hearing this news comes to visit Lilly to cheer her up and make her prepare for interview.

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