Struggling with own heart (Episode 9)

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Lissa initially on seeing Austin's sudden action felt elated. She is feeling nervous as Austin leaned on table and come close to her. Also, he is saying "You are looking beautiful today Lilly." Lissa on hearing word Lilly is shocked as well as confused and promptly replies, "Huhh? Lilly?"

Austin gets petrified as he realizes that he has taken the name of Lilly instead of Lissa and immediately came back to his seat and sits down. Lissa is still asking Austin about this and says, "Hey Austin you called me Lilly. What's going on?"

Austin immediately replies, "I meant you are looking as beautiful as Lilly."

Lissa is now getting more annoyed and asks, "Yes. But who is this Lilly? Why are you comparing me with her?"

Austin laughed and replies, "Lissa don't you know that Lilly is a flower, a beautiful flower also my most favorite. Hence, I meant that you are looking as beautiful as Lilly flower."

Lissa on hearing this is now somewhat relaxed and says, "OH!! You should be clearer with your statement. I got furious as I thought you compared me with some girl named Lilly. But I always thought that Orchids are your favorite flower. I never knew Lilly is your favorite."

Austin smiles and says, "I recently discovered that Lilly is the most beautiful flower and I started liking it very much."

Lissa says, "Great... Now I will always bring Lilies for you."

After dinner Austin dropped Lissa at her house and left.

Lilly is not able to sleep as she is so much annoyed by Austin's behavior on phone and says to herself, "From tomorrow I will never fall for that Austin again. What does he think of himself? Am I a thief who is not going to return his pen? You have seen always sweet side of me Austin now I will consider you as some invisible person."

Next day in morning, Lilly and Austin come face to face in the office. Lilly sees Austin from far away and starts heading towards him. When Austin notice Lilly he sends back his manager and started walking towards Lilly.

Lilly says, "Good morning! Here is your pen."

Austin smiles on seeing his pen and says, "You keep this pen. Now it's yours."

Lilly is perplexed on Austin's answer and says, "But yesterday you told me that I have to bring this pen as it is very special to you."

Austin looks in Lilly's eyes and smiles more, then he come one step closer to her slightly bend down and says with a smirk, "Yes, it is very special to me hence I am giving this to you now. Please take care of this pen very well. I will always take a follow-up on this."

Austin is still smiling and after saying this he left. Whereas Lilly freezes for few seconds on seeing Austin's behavior. She started grinning, then she turns back and sees Austin going and suddenly Austin also turn around to see Lilly and on seeing Lilly watching him he wink at Lilly. Lilly's eyes go big on Austin's wink and hence Austin smiled and left.

Lilly is so much happy that she can't stop smiling. She feels that she is on cloud seven and goes straight to her work place. She pulls chair out, sit on her chair leaned on the desk and recalling the whole scene of her and Austin again and says in her head, "What was thattttt??? I got freezed by his action and words, he almost took my soul out of my body by saying those lines. Oh No why I am this much happy?"

Lilly touches her cheeks and realizes that she is warm now, she immediately took out the compact from her purse to see her face and she sees that her face is all red. She then takes Austin's pen and is now looking to his pen and suddenly remember Emy's advise that she can't fall for Austin again.

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