Can't contain it (Episode 13)

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Lilly is taking leave as it's getting dark so, Austin accompanies her to outside.

It's cold as well as windy outside and suddenly it started raining. Lilly and Austin came under his mansion's roof to shelter from a sudden downpour of rain.

Lilly exasperates, "Ughh... Why is it raining?? I don't like rains at all, it ruins my mood."

Austin looks at Lilly's brassed expressions and grins. He blithes, "What's so bad about rains?"

After saying this he steps outside towards his garden. He spreads his arms and lifted his face towards the sky and is feeling each and every droplet of rain caressing on his skin.

The rain is the white noise of nature. Of course, some people love white noise like Austin and others find it off-putting like Lilly.

Rain is buzzing incessantly with noise hence Lilly screams, "Austin come inside you are all drenched by rains."

Austin looks at Lilly, he wipes his face splattered with rain drops with his long sleeves of t-shirt and laughs. He by raising his voice says, "I am pluviophile! This earthy scent produces when rains falls is mesmerizing."

Lilly is stunned on seeing him. She is lost in the scene where rainfall became more intense, it is dinging furiously off the tin roof and smashing on the head of Austin. In this whole scene Austin is the only glamour for her.

She contemplates, "Rain is filthy for me. But why, today at this very moment I am feeling that the rains are alluring or maybe the person is.... It's blissful to see him enjoying rains."

Eventually, the noise lessened and the drops faded into musical chime. Austin came to Lilly all soaked in water, by running his hands in his wet hairs says, "You have to be there tomorrow at Henry's party make sure about it. If you don't mind can I come to pick you?"

She nods her head and says casually, "No need! I can drive by my own." And left.

While sleeping she is having glimpse of Austin in rains again and again. Her mind is all occupied by Austin.

Austin receives a message from Henry, "I never knew that you are progressing at this pace with Lilly. Also don't forget to come tomorrow evening."

Austin gapes on reading Henry's message, "This Henryyyyy" and he laughs.

Next day evening Austin is adjusting his black tie on his white shirt. He puts his black blazer and is looking utterly charming in his suit.

Lilly is all decked up in Purple frock, a diamond drop earring is adding elegance to her appearance, she has kept her long hairs open and is looking absolutely gorgeous. As soon as she comes out of her room her parents are astonished on seeing Lilly also she is swirling joyfully.

"Lilly!!!" Her mother exclaims "You look beautiful today."

"My princess is so pretty today." Her dad says.

She hugs them wholeheartedly on receiving compliments and leaves for party.

Lilly arrives at party there is huge hall all decorated with beautiful lights and decor. There are few people in party and her eyes are scanning everywhere to search Austin. She then goes to Hannah and Henry give them their gifts, compliments them and receives also.

Austin arrives and sees Lilly with Henry and Hannah; he goes straight to them. He looks at Lilly and their eyes connects. His face all lights up as if he just saw a breath-taking sight. As she adores him with her her gaze he feels giddy inside.

They both diverted then. Hannah introduces Lilly to her other clients. Whereas Henry teases Austin for yesterday's event. Henry insist Austin to confess his feelings to Lilly. But Austin is timid on this. He is scared about Lilly's reaction.

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