Love Advise (Episode 8)

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Lilly realizes that she forgets to give back Austin his pen and there she receives call from Austin. She gets super excited and nervous on seeing Austin's call and says, "OMG, why my heart is beating this fast? I need to calm down myself and relax to attend his call. I have to act normally. C'mon Lilly you can do it. He is not a ghost but a normal person."

Lilly pick up Austin's call and says, "Hello!"

Austin in a concerned tone says, "Hello, you reached home?"

Lilly replies, "Yes. I just reached. I was about to call you."

Austin says, "That's great. I was worried hence called you."

Lilly says, "I forgot to return your pen. I will give it back to you in office."

Austin replies, "It's completely fine."

Lilly is now blank that she should hang up the call or continue and says, "Soooo......"

Austin replies, "Soooooo??"

Lilly says, "So I should hang up as I am tireddd."

Austin replies, "Yes definitely. Take care. See you in office. Bye."

Lilly says, "Bye."

After ending call Lilly laid down on the bed and started rolling on her bed, she then got up and started talking with Austin's pen, "Hey you Austin's pen. Do you know that your owner is so damn different? Is he always like this? Sometimes I feel that I am very special to him and sometimes I feel that I am nobody to him. He is such a kind person. He is always nice with everyone around him. Today I spent all day with him and it was such a wonderful day in my life. You are so lucky that you got to stick with him everywhere."

Lilly to herself says, "Ohhh Goddd... I am feeling like I am going crazy, started talking with a pen. When the person (Austin) himself has called me, I have no words to speak. I wish I can sleep now."

Whereas Austin is also trying hard to sleep.

Next day is Sunday hence there is no morning training for both Austin and Lilly. Emy arrive at Lilly's house to meet her. Henry also goes to Austin's house as he thinks that Austin need some guidance in love.

Emy and Lilly hug each other and Emy started asking many questions regarding Lilly's new and very first workplace. Lilly is sharing her experiences to Emy and ache for informing Emy about Austin. She wants to talk about her love life predictions and also wants to thanks Emy that because of that physical training she got to know Austin more well.

Lilly says nervously, "By the way Emy that day you were saying something about my love life and all."

Emy says, "Oh that......! Forget it. I am so sorry for that day, because of me you have to go through your new morning routine. I will never talk about that topic again. Trust me Lilly those all were fake claims. I was just teasing you but its great that you didn't fall for that."

Lilly is shocked on hearing this and gets annoyed at Emy's statement, she says in a furious way, "Emy, you can't say that those were fake claims. That day you were so serious about it and now.... You are unbelievable......"

Emy raised her eyebrows and asks, "Lilly there is something wrong. Don't tell me that you already found someone at your workplace."

Lilly goes red on hearing this and she started grinning. Emy on looking this got up from her place and says, "Hey Lilly. Just look at you, it's clearly written on your face. Oh my... Oh my god. Who is he? Definitely he is not your boss, right?"

Lilly replies, "Ummm. ..... Yes, he is my boss and I am not sure about this feeling but it's beautiful."

Emy on hearing this sat down again and says in an irritated way, "Lilly are you serious. I know that day I encouraged you but that doesn't mean that you start getting these thoughts. Lilly you know that Boss in every company is so dominating type. They all are jerk and cruel with their employees. I just don't want that you got hurt."

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