Falling for him (Episode 6)

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On hearing Austin's words Lilly's heart started fluttering..... Deep inside her heart she started urging more such words from Austin. She is lost in Austin's eyes and does not want to come back to senses. Maybe, because she started feeling that somewhere Austin is different with her. Also, in her life no boy before has given this much attention to her or maybe she never cared about someone before him.

But she replied by mustering her courage, "Huhhhh???"

Austin has now no idea that how should he reply her back, he started feeling annoyed at himself and says in his head, "How many times I am going to say dumb things in front of her. I always end up messing up our simple conversation... She must be feeling ridiculous on my statement."

Austin clears his throat and replied intermittently, "I mean that, I never have thought of having a girlfriend before. Thank you for your suggestion. Youuu are the first person to make me realize that I should have girlfriend. That's what I meant."

Lilly got little sad on Austin's answer and says to herself, "Maybe, I had thought too much high for myself. Why he will be interested in me?"

She took her eyes off from Austin and started looking to the ground and says, "OOOhhh. I understand. Don't worry you have a handsome face, great personality, kind behavior, established career. It will not be difficult for you to have a girlfriend."

Austin is very happy to hear such compliments from Lilly and says, "I never knew you know so well about my traits. What about you? You are beautiful and talented. Don't you have a boyfriend?"

Lilly sighed and replied, "No not yet."

Austin got so much happy to get assured that she is not seeing anyone as well as is unable to control his cheerful emotions and immediately replied by smiling, "That's Great!!"

Lilly was bit shocked and started thinking, "Why is he happy on knowing that I don't have any boyfriend. Is that possible that he is interested in me?". By having this thought Lilly's heart again started pounding strongly. Her face got more brighter and she asked immediately, "What is great about me having no boyfriend?"

Austin this time now really can't stay calm and started bending his head with annoying expression, he closed his fist near his head and started hitting it very lightly and says himself, "NO....... Nottttt againnnnn.........!!!

He looked back to Lilly; she was looking at him, he sees that her eyes are full of doubts and thus started feeling more complex... He took a deep breath and tries to calm down himself and says, "I mean we are on a same boat. I found that great that I am not the only person who is single at this age."

Lilly replied, "OH I see.... To be single at this age is common thing, my colleagues Ava and Daniel are also single."

Austin figured out that Daniel must be the same boy that was playing with Lilly in canteen. He got furious on hearing his name. He says in a resentful way to Lilly, "Daniel must be the boy with whom you were playing in canteen. Right?"

Lilly was surprised that he remembers that they were playing around in canteen and says, "I know you were there, but I thought you didn't paid attention to us. You seemed to be busy on a phone call."

Austin was feeling angry but was not showing it much and says, "You both were laughing and playing in canteen. Everyone around has saw that. I didn't like that Daniel. He seemed to be very notorious." He said this with a complete expression of jealousy on his face, obviously he was not knowing it, hence is looking cute.

Lilly on seeing this expression of Austin somewhere felt the vibes of jealousy from him and hence felt elated on seeing his cute expressions and started grinning.

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