I am with You (Episode 11)

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Austin wraps Lilly strongly in his arms and says, "Don't worry about anything. As long as I am on your side no one on this earth can hurt you."

Lilly didn't utter anything hence Austin loosens her from his arms to see her. He sees that Lilly does not open her eyes and just trying hard to stay strong. He then turns around to go back to his cabin and Lilly calls him, "Austin"

He promptly turned back and sees that Lilly is giving him back his coat and pen. She is still not looking into Austin's eyes and after giving his coat back she runs away from there.

Austin immediately goes to his cabin and calls his manager; he orders him to make a team to investigate on this matter properly.

Whereas Lilly rushes to loo. She immediately locked it and started crying. She cries hard. She looks herself in the mirror that how messy her face is looking and started splashing water from basin on her face and again looks back in mirror, she sees her face is splattered with water droplets but her eyes still flooded with tears.

She looks in the mirror and says,

"Lilly...... You are as strong as rock......!!!!"

"A rock that nobody can smash just by their misapprehension."

"You know that you have done nothing wrong...... Hence, fight back."

She takes a deep breath after saying this.

Ava is trying to call Lilly but she realizes that Lilly has left her phone on her desk only.

Lilly clean up the mess on her face with tissues and determines to be strong and firm.

She goes back to her cabin and sees how worried Daniel and Ava are looking.

Both asks hundreds of questions to Lilly about her sudden disappearance.

Lilly put a smile on her face and says, "I have disappeared for a while merely and you both are worried this much."

Ava and Daniel are amused on seeing Lilly smiling hence asks,

"Lilly are you okay.?"

Lilly replies, "I am as strong as rock. On top of that I have not done anything wrong that I should be scared of. I am ready to face all consequences and I want further investigation about this."

Ava hugs Lilly after this and says, "Yes Lilly you are strong."

Daniel says, "No matter what it is we are with you at each and every step."

Austin is restless about this whole matter and is trying his best to figure out that what has went wrong.

He thinks in his head, "This girl Lilly is behaving that she is not shattered by all this. But I have felt that how much agitated she is already by this incident."

Lilly went her home and didn't made her parents realize that what happened with her today. She doesn't want them to worry about her matter.

She goes to her room and laid down on her bed. She tries hard to sleep but the harsh words of Mr. Clive Brookes are echoing in her mind and she open up her eyes with a gasp.

She checks her phone now which is filled with the messages from Ava and Daniel. Among them one message is from Austin also.

She directly opens Austin's message ignoring numerous messages of her friends.

"Lilly, I know you are very strong. But do you remember that you have asked me that am I strong or not. I want to say this I am not brave as you but I will pull out all my efforts to prove your innocence. Just wait for tomorrow."

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