** not a chapter **

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Sorry sorry sorry! I know this isn't a new update and I hate doing this to you guys, but I just really need/want to do this. So please read ...

This isn't directed towards any one person or group of people, this is just something I'm really curious to know. I suppose it mainly applies to the earlier chapters of this story rather than the recent ones, but I'm still curious at this point. 

Anyways, I feel like I always see comments of people saying they 'fucking hate' a character or find someone to be 'really fucking annoying', but they never explain why. Like it'll be on someone that has done absolutely nothing wrong and people comment that they're annoying. And for me as the person writing this story, I just want to know why. Obviously from my perspective when I have every character mapped out, you guys might not always see what I see. 

And I'll admit that I get defensive when people say they hate a character & not explain why because I just don't understand what makes that character so unlikable, plus I spend forever trying to create this character that I become really attached to them. I mean when someone says they find Xander super annoying, I just sit here like why ??? What has he done ??? 

It really just confuses me when people comment that they hate someone when there's really no reason? I don't know if any of this makes sense to you guys lol, I'm kind of just writing this while I'm tired and should be asleep so it might not even be English.

But as I was saying, when you say you hate/really dislike a character in the story, I want to know why. When you just comment that you hate them, it doesn't even make any sense to me.

So I know this might sound demanding (I really don't mean it to sound that way) or very literature-teacher-like, but could you guys just like comment in this 'chapter' the things you like and/or dislike about the characters in this story? Doesn't have to be all of them obviously, could just be one.

I'm honestly curious to know what you guys think of the people in this story. This just helps me understand where you guys are coming from, and it'll help give me an idea of whether or not the way I have a character in my head is correctly coming across. I might need to do some more work on my writing. And who knows, maybe this will be beneficial for you guys to see who the other people reading this story like/don't like/etc. 

So yeah, if you guys could just comment on this 'chapter' thing, that would be really great & I'd reallyyyyy appreciate it. If you do, thank you thank you thank you!

I feel like this is starting to sound really bitchy or rude or something, and I don't mean it that way at all! I just really want to know what you guys are thinking. 

Really sorry again for this nonupdate update!

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