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a/n: summary manip ^^ okay so a lot of you have asked about the manips i make and i've said it's photoshop. i always call it photoshop bc it technically is & that's just what i think it is, like any kind of photo editing i've always called photoshop. but i think everyone else takes it as me using the actual photoshop program. anyways it's an app i use called juxtaposition or juxtaposer (i always forget which it is bc i was calling it the wrong thing for a long time). so i use that to make a manip and then i use other picture editing apps for filters and hues and tints and all that to make it look better. the key is finding two pictures that are of the same quality. hope that's helpful for those of you that asked x

"When are your parents getting here?" I asked Summer as I tried to put the salad together.

"Well their plane landed an hour ago. If anything, they should be here any minute," she walked out from my bedroom, fixing her dark red dress in the process. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can help with? I'm feeling bored not having anything to do."

"I'm positive," I laughed, seeing her pout her lip at me. "I've got this under control."

"I wouldn't speak too soon. If my parents were to walk into the apartment right now, there would be nothing on the table," she pointed over towards the dining table, and I realized I hadn't put anything on there. It was completely bare from when I cleaned it off. "Can I at least set the plates and utensils out?"

"Okay okay. Go ahead."

She clapped her hands together and gave me a sticky kiss on the cheek. I hate lip gloss.

As she gathered some plates from the cabinets and pulled some utensils from the drawers, I wiped the stickiness from my cheek before I went back to attempting to recreate this dinner meal. Everything was going to go well, as long as her parents could look past the fact that we were not at a fancy restaurant, rather La Casa De Harry.

It would've sounded better if I was cooking Mexican food, like tacos and burritos. Maybe that's what I should've done instead. Can't go wrong with tacos.

The dessert thing that Zayn had taught me to make takes forty-five mintues to cook in the oven, so as I placed the dish on the oven rack, I looked over at Summer and called out to her, "Remind me in forty-five minutes that this has to come out."

"Why don't you just set the timer?" She pointed towards the oven and laughed. "It's a setting right there."

"Timers are for pansies."

"You're ridiculous."

"I'm not a pansy."

After Summer set the table, and I got most of the meal prepared, there was a light knock on the door. I set down the things I had in my hands and dusted off any possible food that might've gotten onto my clothes.

Walking over to the door, I was slowly growing more and more nervous. Were they going to judge me for this place I live in? I mean, if they reacted anything like Louis did the other day, this might not go as well as I intended for it to go.

I grabbed the handle and opened the front door, revealing Summer's parents in front of me. Marilyn was dressed very business-woman-like, and Robert was in his usual three thousand dollar suit.

"Hi," I greeted, putting on a genuine smile. I stepped to the side to let them in, earning curious looks as they examined the apartment.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad," Summer walked up, giving her parents an awkwardly brief hug. Everything between them seemed to be so awkward, and that was either because things have always been that way with them or because of me. I'm just going to pretend it's not because of me.

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