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As everyone made their way out of the classroom, Camila and Lauren accidentally bump into each other catching the other four attention. Camila ending up the floor with her things scattered everywhere as Lauren looked around in panic.

"Where did it go?" Lauren asked looking for the item she just stole.

"You mean this?" Camila asked picking up the golden bracelet.

"Uh yeah, can I get that back?" Lauren tried to grab the item but Camila pulled it away.

"Firstly I want an apology." Camila crossed her arms.

"For what?" Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"For drawing me without my consent." Camila turned her head away and Lauren huffed.

"Fine, I apologize for drawing you without your consent." Lauren says starting to collect Camila's stuff

"Thank you." Camila holds out the golden bracelet for Lauren to take.

"...Also I'm sorry that I ran away from my feelings for you." Lauren muttered handing all of Camila stuff back to her.

"What?" Camila asked in shock.

"I wasn't trying to hurt you, but I did because I was scared so I'm sorry for that." Lauren smiled taking the bracelet as Camila collected her stuff from Lauren.

"Well um...thank you for apologizing." Camila smiled then got up.

"I'll see you later." Lauren waved and Camila waved back before walking off.

"Good job Lauren!" Dinah cheers patting her on her back hard as hell.

"Ouch! Dinah." Lauren growled and Dinah laughed.

"I need a nap." Dinah yawned with a smile and Lauren rolled her eyes as Billie joined the two.

"Tori went off with Ally to their next class, y'all wanna skip?" Bille asked stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"Sure." Lauren replied twirling the bracelet on her finger and stood up.

"I'm down, I'm getting tired of school." Dinah smirked and Billie ushered for them to follow.

They was able to easily make their way out of school and decided on hitting up a place to eat. As they started to walk, they heard Tori call them.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" Tori wondered catching her breath.

"Going to get something to eat. I thought you were in class." Lauren raised an eye brow, confused.

"I was going to the bathroom and Ally went to class, but anyways I'm down to get some food in this belly." Tori almost drooled just from the imagination as she rubbed her stomach.

"How do you stay so skinny?" Dinah questioned.

"High Metabolism." Billie answered and Lauren scratched the top of her head.

"Who knew Billie was so smart..." Lauren whispered to Dinah who shrugged as Billie rolled her eyes.

"I can here you, dumbasses." Billie say as she continued to walk.

"I wonder how the girls are going to react when we don't show up until lunch." Tori speak up causing them all to stop then shiver.

"Normani's already scary enough, let's bring them back some food." Dinah suggested and they nod in agreement.

"If you find her scary, then why date her?" Lauren wondered.

"Because her personality is a 10, her looks is a 10, and I need a woman who can keep me in check." Dinah replied with a shrug and Billie looked at her with impressed look.

"Woah DJ, you know how to pick your woman." Tori jumps up and down.

"I mean, she's the only woman I have been with and also to add I'm already completely in love with her." Dinah laughed nervously causing everyone else to laugh as well.

"Having one is better than having none." Lauren shrugged and Tori agreed.

"No more girl talk, where we eating at?" Billie asked...

"Hey girlies." Drew greeted causing Ally to wave at Drew and Camila.

"Hey hey." Normani stretched her body a lil before scooting her seat over for Camila to sit down.

"Where's the others?" Ally wondered and they all shrugged.

"Billie mentioned that they were going to skip." Drew rats out causing the other three to groan.

"Those dumbasses." Camila rolled her eyes and they all laughed.

"It's not Tori to skip." Ally thought but out loud.

"Well maybe she hangs too much around Lauren." Normani mention and everyone raised an eyebrow.

"As if Dinah isn't just as bad." Camila laughed.

"Dinah's lazy, so I'm not surprised." Normani crossed her arms.

"How exactly do you deal with her laziness?" Ally wondered.

"In the day, all we do really is cuddle and chat. At night is when she's most active." Normani explained and everyone scrunched their faces.

"Ew we did not have to know that." Camila shivered.

"What? OH NO! That's not what I meant!" Normani defended and everyone sighed in relief.

"So Dinah's not lazy at night?" Drew asked.

"Nope." Normani answered.

"That's a burden." Ally huffed.

"Well her and I can connect very easily and plus I'm in love with her so I'll do anything that will make her comfortable." Normani smiled and the girls cooed.

"Damn you make me feel more single than before." Camila giggled and Drew shakes her head.

"Speaking off, I'm kinda confuses about Ally and Tori's relationship." Drew mentions and Ally eyes widen.

"Well there's no labels to what Tori and I have." Ally explained.

"Yet." Normani say causing Camila and Drew to laugh.

"Stop!" Ally whined as the teacher entered the room.

Class breezed through quickly as hell and it was time for lunch. As they girl made their way to the cafeteria, the other four ran in and managed to almost crash into the girls.

"On hey babe." Dinah smiled and Normani raised an eyebrow.

"Where did you four go?" Ally crossed her arms and they all held up food.

"There's a place called Panda Express and the orange chicken looked so good."  Tori drooled as she gets anxious to eat.

"Well let's get to the cafeteria." Drew ushered and they followed her.

When they entered the room, they sat at their table and Lauren placed down the food before opening them. There's 4 with rice and 4 with teriyaki. They all grabbed one that they found tasteful as Normani grabbed a rice and Dinah grabbed a teriyaki so they can share just  incase they wanted/prefer the other.

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