Just the Way You Are Professor!Loki x Professor!OC Teacher AU

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Summary: After a hearty breakfast with their newly built family, Theodora and Loki head to the library to get a book for their lesson. Unknowingly to Loki, he was about to experience harsh old memories after Flash comments rudely on the lesson. After Loki leaves abruptly, Theodora sends Flash to the Dean while still being confused about Loki's reaction. Peter is angry enough to start to lunge at Flash, but thankfully MJ holds him back as she gives Flash a death glare. Theodora finds out the reason for Loki's reaction and plans a surprise to cheer him up, leading to feelings rising to the surface in the process.


"Put down your fancy pantsy books and get your asses to breakfast before I drag you there myself!" Tony's tired voice yelled from the other side of the dorm door of Loki's and Theodora's shared apartment, making Theodora jolt, the top of her head hitting Loki's chin, making them both groan in discomfort before laughing at the predicament.

"Thanks for the wake up call, Stark," Theodora yelled sarcastically to the door, getting no response other than retreating footsteps down the corridor of the east wing faculty dorms. "One day I'm gonna catch him when he's asleep and clap some cymbals over his head," Theodora mumbled into her arm, which was pressed against Loki's chest.

"I'll buy the cymbals Teddi, just say the words," Loki muttered as he closed the copy of Macbeth and patted her head, playing with her short brunette locks as a way to finally wake her up.

"Can you please convince your sister to change the first period to start at eleven, the teachers are just as sleepy as our students," Theodora whined as she rolled dramatically off Loki, who was lying on the couch, onto the carpeted floor. Loki chuckled as he easily picked her up off of the ground and set her on her feet.

"It isn't Hela's fault that you are not an early riser, love," Loki said before spinning her around and pushing her towards her bedroom, "Get dressed. We have a big day ahead of us, regretfully." Loki went into his own room to gather the materials he and Theodora would need to teach, noticing that a certain book was missing. "Teddi, where's the book we were supposed to use for class today?" Loki called as he gathered up the rest of his stuff.

"Peter wanted it for some essay thing. He said he returned it to the library," Theodora's voice came through the walls and Loki sighed as he remembered Peter coming in at three am last night, frantic and giddy off of caffeine. "Don't worry, we can go get it before class!"

Loki nodded to himself, before sliding his bag onto his shoulder and getting ready to leave, plus starting the search of his keys as he waited for Theodora.


"Momma said no hogging the apple juice!" Morgan's little whine was heard throughout the faculty café. Everyone in the room gave Tony amused looks as he dramatically sighed as he finally handed over the jug of apple juice to Morgan. She smirked happily as she poured her next glass of juice and handed the jug to Peter and Harley.

Theodora and Loki decided at that moment to appear, with Thor and Banner close behind, and not without sarcastic comment to add, "Sounds like Ms. Potts is teaching Morgan a little thing called "How to deal with Tony Stark.'"

The two smirked at Tony's scowl as laughter spread across the tables. Theodora leaned across the table to fist bump a laughing Peter and give MJ a glorious high-five. Loki and Theodora got their separate plates of food before joining the Stark-Strange table.

Theodora silently ate her breakfast as the usual morning banter and chatter rang through the atmosphere of the faculty lounge. Banner was explaining to Steve and Bucky how he had to use the chem labs near the library for his two o'clock class so he was hoping Steve and Bucky could reschedule their American history class since they wanted to use the historical section of the library for their lesson plan.

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