Serpents and Secrets - Loki x Reader

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  Everyone in the tower was slowly getting ready for the day, Loki included. You were the last one to enter the kitchen where all the avengers were gathered to chit chat while eating breakfast and sipping on their coffee. You saw the raven-haired god sipping on earl grey tea while you hyperactively entered the kitchen.

No one noticed your presence before you wrapped your arms over Loki behind his back while whispering a 'good morning! in his ear. Loki was startled by your presence, letting out a little yelp before subconsciously turning into a black serpent in your arms.

Wanda was right beside Loki at the time, and had let out a little scream seeing the threatening snake in your arms, falling out of her chair in surprise. Everybody looked over and with widened eyes, as they slowly crept away.

If snakes could blush, the small reptile in your hand would have turned a bright red. He tried to slither out but you kept a gentle hold on him. He twisted around your hands, coiling gently around your arm.

You gave a cheeky grin as you started to pet his head. " My god Loki! You are so adorable as a snake!" The snake rolled his eyes, but didn't move and seemed to lean into your touch.

Thor's eyes gleamed. "Lady Y/n, may I pet the snake?"

Peter slowly unstuck himself off the ceiling, where he was hanging upside down. "No, Mr. Uncle Thor! Like we went over yesterday!"

Thor nodded solemnly. "Ah, yes. My bad. Lady y/n, may I pet the ... danger noodle?" He looked at Peter for confirmation, who nodded happily while chugging his 3rd cup of coffee, which Tony snatched, glaring disapprovingly while handing him a different cup. Peter then retreated into his sulking corner with his apple juice.

"Girl, get that thing outta here!" Sam gave a disapproving glare at the animal.

"Hey! That thing has a name y'know" you grinned while you put Loki on your shoulders. "It's Loki for God's sake." 'Thank you,' A voice echoed in your mind. 'Honestly, how foolish. Mortals.' You could almost hear his eyes roll.

'Hello!' You thought gleefully, narrowing your eyes at him with mischief. 'Anyway, you wanna go out? I'm free today and ... You're a snake, so, c'mon!'

'Hmm.' He replied. 'Very well then, love.'

"Say, y/n, didn't you own a snake a few years ago?" Steve said thoughtfully.

"Yup!" You replied jovially. "Maybe I should call you Mr. Snake Jr." You sarcastically said as Loki seemed to immediately shake his head no at the thought.

Nat raised an eyebrow at you. "Why Jr.?" She asked.

You hung your head to the ground, whispering, "Natasha, we don't talk about Mr. Snake Sr."

Everyone widened their eyes at that statement while you raised your head. "Relax, everyone! He's living in a farm upstate where he can have lots of room to slither, that's what my parents said anyway!"

Wisely, they didn't say any more. "Hey by the way, Loki and I are going out today, see y'all later!" You turned around and walked towards the elevators to go down to the garage, Loki still on your shoulders.

You grabbed the keys to a S.H.I.E.L.D cruiser that were lying around and swung it around your finger, making your way down to the garage. You looked at Loki confused. "Not to be rude, but why aren't you a human yet? I thought you wanted donuts while we read some books from that cozy bookstore you like."

He looked out of the window, in the shotgun seat. 'D-don't be foolish. I wanted to be a snake and I'll stay one for the next decade.' You smirked, pretending you didn't know he was embarrassed. 'Ok then, drama king. Buckle up. Or not, I guess.'

After a few minutes of leisurely cruising, you had a rainbow sprinkle donut in your mouth as you took a sharp left. Loki amused himself with powdered sugar donut holes, which apparently, he could digest as a snake (with some of his magic involved, of course).

A few minutes of painstaking parallel parking, you swung open the door to a little bookstore you often went to and recently had made Loki tag along with you. This led to Loki immediately falling in love with the whole store. You brushed your fingers through all the old classics while Loki moved to the fictional section, which had a big Norse mythology book right in the middle. He scoffed, which he could also apparently do as a snake.

The old grandma at the reception desk stared bewilderedly. It wasn't every day you saw a snake scoff. You gave her an apologetic glance as you settled down in a pile of beanbags, which you and Loki had adopted as a second home.

A few hours had passed with each of you engrossed in your own books, with him wrapped around your arm, and his book on a desk. You shut your book, finished, and nudged Loki, who was waiting for you. 'Shall we go then, Mr. Snake Jr. ?' You turned to the elegant serpent next to you. 'We shall, mortal. Come. Do you need me to drive?'

You giggled at him, getting up and walking to the door. 'I think I got it, thanks for the offer anyway, Lokitty.'

When you got back to the tower just in time for dinner. You changed into your black silk pajamas, setting up the tv with Titanic with a bottle of rosé. Loki was draped across your body as both of you entangled yourselves with the many blankets you had brought. Halfway through, you were exceptionally giggly and fun. "Hey, uh Mr. Snake, did I ever tell you about when Loki doesn't know who makes the tea for him?" 'Y/n, are you drunk?' His deep voice echoed in your mind.

"Nope!" You giggled. "It's me! I make the tea for my darling every single day!"

Loki smiled, which he could also do as a snake. Knowing he could keep up a fun conversation with you like this, he asked. 'Tell me more about you, love.'

"Ummmm... Uh... Can you keep a secret?" He nodded, never breaking eye contact. "I have a really big crush on Loki!" You giggled, and then your eyes widened. Oh shit, you thought.

The dark prince turned back into his godly form with a huge smirk, immediately climbing on top of you, watching as your face turned red with embarrassment.

"We're going to have a lot of fun tonight."

Avengers x reader oneshots (Mostly Loki)Where stories live. Discover now