Smoke and Mirrors Pt. 1 - Loki x reader

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AN and warnings: ANGST ALERT!! read at your own will, cursing, SADNESS and self hatred

Also btw please rate our angst lol

[This is only part one of two! (Our apologies lol)]

Summary: You and Loki are on a mission, trekking through the woods of Siberia to get to a safehouse. He rejects your attempts at conversation for hours, until you get to the house. Loki gets a splinter, and trying to help him leads to a shouting match and painful feelings.

Word Count: 1.7k

Loki P.O.V

I forged forward, trekking through the harsh Siberian wilderness. Knee deep in snow, my ears were filled with roaring snow and constant blabbering from the bundle of clothing behind me.

" So anyways, I really enjoy painting and drawing, especially people and animals. Hey, Loki, do you have any hobbies? I feel like as if I'm the only one talking and I want to know more about you, y'know."

You waited for response from the dark figure trekking ahead of you as you struggled to catch up. After a few moments of no response other than what you suspected was an annoyed eye roll, you felt your heart sink a little.

" C'mon, Loki, can't you ever talk? I'm really sorry if I'm really annoying or something but I really want to get to know you! This pile of scarves and sweaters isn't easy to talk through, y'know." You said dejectedly when your words ended with mumbling to yourself.

I rolled my eyes, and kept on trekking ahead. Why on Asgard did I have to get paired with the female counterpart of my idiot brother for this mission? Her rythmic words kept flowing through the cold northern winds slapping me in the face, the snow barely stinging.

She struggled to keep up, pulling her thighs though the crusty ice. Her pitiful voice and struggle to handle the cold was almost enough to make me slow down to her place and carry her small, pathetic self the rest of the way to the cabin. Almost.

I slowed down minisculely to let her jog through the snow, or what could pass for jogging in this abominable place. I huffed, annoyed as she tried to gain a response out of me, looking at me for any words. I could see her begging for validation through her pitiful look.

I let out a small sigh as I turned my head down towards her puppy dog eyes, still keeping up the pace. She insisted she carried most of the gear, even though she couldn't handle it, obviously.

Y/n P.O.V

This isn't fair! My inner monologue screamed at me as I tried to keep a conversation with the stoic man besides me, through the oncoming blizzard. I really, really wanted him to talk to me. Why does everything slap me in the face whenever I try? No. No! Shut up! Idiot. You need to be the nice girl, like always! Can't you do anything (insert) right?!

You felt a stifling sadness overcome you as you decided to shut your mouth. What was even the point of talking to a person who was allergic to the full spectrum of human emotion, except for annoyance, it seemed.

You had wanted to maybe break the inner shell of who he was ever since you laid your eyes on him when he first joined the team. You instantly fell head over heels, subconsciously studying his every move and always hanging on his every word, even though they were hardly ever directed towards you. You felt as if you were some giddy school girl whenever he was in the room.

Once you realized you and him were assigned on this mission you felt as if you could actually get to know him. You knew that there was a softness under that hard veil of always being so hardcore. You felt as if you would do anything for this man, you've seen him being so sweet and soft whenever the team wasn't around. But all of that went down the drain now since it was pretty obvious he doesn't give a shit about you and your underlying feelings.

Avengers x reader oneshots (Mostly Loki)Where stories live. Discover now