Anything for You ~ Tom hiddleston x actress!reader

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Anything for You ~ (Tom Hiddleston x actress!reader)

Tom hiddleston x reader

AN: Hey you fanfic addicted beauties, we had tons of fun writing this, so hope you have just as much reading it! Take of yourselves, we love you 🌈

Warnings: Childhood trauma, Cursing, Rudeness, Angst, Fluffy ending, trigger warning

Word Count: 1k


2:"Stay here tonight."

Summary: Y/n is a marvel actor, and known around the world as America's movie sweetheart. So when the paparazzi attack her with a rude question during a press conference, everyone is upset, but most of all, so is Tom. Cuteness follows!


You were sitting on an uncomfortable plastic chair, looking around as you were sandwiched in between Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston, two of your closest friends, in the middle of a huge press conference, almost the whole cast and producers/directors of Infinity war were right behind you.

"I mean, I'm not saying that I'm the leader of the avengers, I'm just saying that you should be saying I am." Robert smirked at the interviewer, who was a little overwhelmed by the amount of personality on the stage, as the audience laughed.

"Well, now that that segment's over, we're going to start the arrow segment, which is where you all get arrows, which are under your seats, and you just point them to the person who you think fits the question best. Okay, if you all have your arrows, point to the one who works out the most!"

Tom was too tall to reach under his seat gracefully, so you took the opportunity to help him out and booped him on the nose before handing it over. He blushed a little, putting on a good-natured smile, as Benedict snickered.

The majority pointed to Hemsworth or Evans, while RDJ put on a shocked face jokingly, his arrow pointed towards himself. Everyone laughed at the scene, the audience loving his trademark sass.

"Next question, who is the nicest person on set?" You pointed your arrow at Tom, and blushed seeing everyone else pointed their arrows at you. The game went on for a few more minutes before it led to the Q&A segment.

"Okay, the first question is for Scarlett! How has being the Black Widow changed your career?" She answered happily, as the question wasn't about dieting or clothes, and next up was Jeremy Renner. "How do you feel about your character Hawkeye not having a movie?" He answered, jokingly upset, as RDJ poked some fun at him.

"One more question, this was drawn from the audience, stand up, buddy!" A tall woman stood up, obviously a member of the paparazzi in a trashy disguise.

"My question is for y/n," You smiled since you weren't too flashy or loud like the others and you mostly stuck with Tom, so you and Tom usually didn't get many questions directed towards you if they weren't specifically about the film or your character.

"Why haven't you dated anyone in almost a year since your breakup with your," she used her fingers to make air quotes, " abusive S.O?" She smirked.

The entire crew stared, shooting daggers or simply being dumbfounded. Chris Evans leaned down at you as the interviewer looked around nervously. You gripped the microphone tighter, and Chris whispered. "Y/n, you don't have to answer that."

RDJ got to his feet, fuming, backed up by Sebastian and Benedict. "Um, excuse me, what the fuck did you just say?" Tom held your hands with his, and you tried to bring your breathing under control as you tried not to show your eyes glistening with small tears. " I'm really sorry, but I-I don't think that's any of your business, Miss. I-I think I'm going to go freshen u-."

A tear slid down your cheek as Tom grabbed the microphone. "Ma'am, sit down before I have security escort you out. We're leaving, y/n." The whole audience was booing the woman by now, after all, there probably wasn't a person on Earth who hated you, you were America's sweetheart!

You let Tom pull you out, as Elizabeth rubbed your arm to sympathize before you were off the stage and in the hallway. He cupped your face and pulled you into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, y/n," he whispered as you melted into his embrace.

"I'm okay, I'm fine, just trying not to remember." You wiped your tears as you tried to forget the incoming memories. Tom held you tighter, and you managed to pull yourself together.

"Can we go back to the hotel?" You looked up to Tom, He nodded and then pressed a kiss on your forehead before taking your hand in his to go out the exit.

You and Tom had been good friends since your first debut together and stayed like that for a decade. You had always loved him, but you were so scared of rejection you got with another man to try and distract yourself, and that was your biggest mistake. You had craved for Tom's touch and love, even though he was affectionate to you, you wanted him to be all yours.

Tom had hailed a cab for you two, and you both slid in, leaving little space between you as you leaned against his shoulder and keeping his arm close to you, something you two were used to by now. You two were each other's rock, and you couldn't help that you were drawn together.

Soon, you arrived at the hotel, jumping onto the bed and turning on the TV, flipping through channels rushedly, finally settling on a rerun of The Princess Bride. He sat down next to you, his fingers tangled in your hair and your legs lazily over his.

Hours passed, and you'd gone through a couple movies by this point. You yawned lightly, rubbing your eyes. "Thank you for being there for me, Tom. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He turned to you, his deep blue eyes staring into yours softly. "Of course, darling. I'll be here for you whenever you need me."

You moved over, your sleepiness taking over. "Will you stay here tonight?"

He grabbed the remote, and put on another movie before pulling you close into a hug as he rested his head on top of yours. "For you, love, of course."

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