Stolen Kisses and Cocktails (Loki x Witch!reader)

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Summary: Wanda and Nat finally convinced you and Loki, the tower's bookworms, to join them in their occasional bar outings with the rest of the group. You stuck to Loki's side the whole night, since you two were close friends. When you finally decided to order a drink and dance for a bit, a sleazy stranger decided to be creepy, resulting in Loki coming to your rescue and hidden feelings rising in the process.


"Please, y/n? Loki? Pleaseeeeee?" Wanda pouted at you two. "It's only a few hours of partying and you NEVER join us whenever we go to the club!"

Loki rolled his eyes. "That may just be because your 'bars' are pathetic."

"What he meant to say is that it's not our cup of tea, Wanda." You butted in as you gave an apologetic glance at her as you got up from the tower of pillows and blankets you and Loki were hidden under for the time being. "Can't Nat just go with you?"

"Y/n, I didn't want to do this, but if you don't come I'll read your diary out loud whenever the next team game night comes around."

You audibly gasped. "You wouldn't." Your eyes narrowed at her. "I thought you were the nice twin."

"I would." She smirked. "And I got you a dress! Let's go!" She pulled you up a flight of stairs, and eventually you stopped resisting her antics.

Nat was still leaning by the doorway as she smirked at Loki, who had stopped sipping his Earl grey to watch the whole scene before him, "That means you too, tea addict, c'mon Wanda and I got a nice piece for you too."

Loki groaned as he rolled out dramatically from the pillow fort you two had worked so long on.

(Time Skip)

You pulled on a pair of heels and let Natasha finish up your eyeshadow. When you saw the dress, you couldn't stop smiling and staring at the mirror. It was a gorgeous mid-thigh length, emerald green lacey halter dress, and with a pair of gold earrings, you were ready to go.

Natasha and Wanda followed you out of the now destroyed room, with makeup and shoes scattered all over the carpet.

Loki and the other dudes were waiting at the door. He was levitating a pair of keys and turning his nose up at his now cold Earl grey. You smiled at him, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and making your way down the staircase.

Bucky whistled as you three walked over. "Dang, ladies, don't outshow us now. We want dates too, y'know." You three chuckled at his words as Sam nodded in agreement.

Wanda elbowed you and whispered. "Bet you're glad you came now." She turned her eyes towards Loki.

You grinned at her and then saw Loki in the corner of the room, your eyes widening. He was draped in a silk forest green dress shirt that clung to him, showing off his muscles perfectly. He had worn black slacks underneath and his whole outfit left your brain malfunctioning.

Still stunned, you followed the rest of the team to a large S.H.I.E.L.D van, with Tony pulling up into shotgun. You got settled right next to Loki (as usual cuz y'all basically joined at the hip) and Steve tried to start a conversation with Happy which resulted with the partition rolling up smoothly. The engine revved and you all left on your way, with Tony upset because he couldn't turn around to chat with the rest of you.

After another World War between the rows of seats, which ended up with Bruce almost hulking out since Tony was being too pushy as usual, Happy kicked everyone out of the van in front of the exclusive club, with a message he'd be back at 2 am.

You ducked into the club, with the flashing lights already making your head hurt. Loki grabbed you a seat at the bar, and you sat next to him. He put down an order for a cocktail for himself, and turned to you, waiting for a request.

"I'll just have a water, thanks." You gave a weak smile to the bartender, who nodded.

Small talk with Loki commenced, as you gazed at your friends on the dance floor and while Pietro was flirting with another bartender. You looked up at the clock on the wall. 12 am already? Maybe I need to get out of my comfort zone, you thought, as Loki excused himself to talk to Thor, who was calling him because they were breaking out the asgardian mead.

You saw the pitying glances from the other V.I.P's and you made up your mind, turning to the bartender once more. "Actually, I'll have a cocktail too, or whatever you recommend."

He nodded as he busied himself making your drink as you played with tendrils of magic in your palm. A man with slicked blonde hair and a gleaming Rolex walked up to your table. He gave you a sleazy smirk as he slid into Loki's former seat, which caused you to subconsciously frown at his actions.

" Hey girl, your ass looks good in that dress, why don't we get out of here and it would probably look better in my bed.'' He grinned at you creepily. You looked at him in disgust.

"Uh no thanks, I'm good, and plus my boyfriend wouldn't like that..." you hurriedly said as you looked over his shoulder and noticed Loki returning.

The creep's eyes widened as you grabbed Loki's arm theatrically as you exclaimed "Babe! You're back! This man just started to talk to me in your seat- why don't you introduce yourself!" You said with fake enthusiasm as Loki looked to you, confused for a moment before you telepathically spoke to him. 'Help me I'm being hit on by this creep and he's legitimately scaring me, please be my fake boyfriend for a second!' You pleaded with puppy eyes as Loki nodded and sternly turned his attention towards the reason for your distress.

"Hello, I am Loki, Prince of Asgard. Who are you, Midgardian?" Loki spoke darkly as he pulled you closer towards his figure, leaving you blushing red for a moment.

The balding creep nodded uneasily, thrown off by the menacing aura Loki was giving off. " I'm Chad, my father is the C.E.O of Wallen Tech Enterprises, the fifteenth best tech company on the market in the east coast." he bragged with a prideful look on his face.

"Anyway, dude, I took a liking to your girl, so lemme have her. Man to man, am i right?" Loki raised a single eyebrow, his angled face barely containing his anger as he clenched his jaw.

"Listen, you pompous, pathetic, miserable little mortal brat. If you ever approach my lady again I'll personally," he stepped forward, making the man cower back. "I will personally break every last one of your limbs and then feed you to my sister's dog, you poor excuse of a man. Understand, Chad?"

He stepped back in defeat, his brows furrowed, afraid. "Hey man, chill, no need to get all Alpha on me. There are better girls out there than your 'lady' anyway, dude." He ran off before Loki could yell at him again, you looked at Loki with adoration and surprise.

Loki glared at the floor and pulled out a small cell phone and called someone before you could talk to him. The phone rang and Loki spoke into it, with an aggravated tone of voice.

"Yes, Stark, that is correct. Break off the deal with Wallen tech. Yes, that was the heir. Good, then." He shut the phone off and turned to you, his gaze immediately softening and his voice turning one with concern, "Are you alright my dear?" He examined your arms and face with his hands and his eyes filled with anger for you. "Did he...?

"Oh, no, no, no." You shook your arms wildly, thankful that Loki was so caring. You took his hands softly in yours and reassured him with an endearing look in your eyes. "It's ok. I'm ok, thank you so much Loki, I'm really sorry you had to deal with my shit."

"Don't be, darling." He gazed into your eyes, his face melting into a smile. "I would do anything for you."

"Anything, you say hmm?" You looked up at him with a smirk and stole a kiss, throwing him off guard as his cheeks immediately turned bright red.

"That'll do for a start."

Avengers x reader oneshots (Mostly Loki)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon