Did you save it until marriage?

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A/N~ Okay so I just wanted to say that there is NOTHING wrong with having sex before marriage. And there is NOTHING wrong with waiting until marriage. Do what makes you and your partner(s) happy and comfortable! 


Absolutely not. You guys had sex before you had even established an official relationship.

Savos Aren

Yes. You guys wanted to be closer in other ways before doing that.


Yes. You didn't want to, but Vilkas wanted to make the first time special. There isn't any other more special way to do it than your wedding night! 


Yes. Farkas was scared he might ruin something if you guys did it before marriage. Also because he was taking his brother's advice.

Ulfric Stormcloak (OooooOoo)

No. He was pretty eager to bed you.


Hell no. You were apprehensive, but he was very supportive in his own ways.

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