Jealous!Vilkas x Reader smut

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A/N- I LITERALLY FAILED MY FIRST TWO MATH TESTS OF THE YEAR WHAT THE HECKEIEJEJDHHEEJW anyways enjoy the chapter ;) also the meme at the top is my new favorite skyrim meme.

warnings- smut, hair pulling, slight dirty talk, and one vilkas acting like a major baby. also a very drunk farkas :)

"My stratigies have always been better than yours, you oaf."

"That is so not true!"

Farkas is so stupid. We were currently sitting outside in the training yard. We were supposed to be training, but we starting arguing instead. Our arguments were never serious, of course. I've been hanging around Farkas a lot since I joined the Companions. He was like a brother to me.

"You're ridiculous." I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"You worry me with that attitude of yours." He said and crossed his arms.

"Farkas, If you're talking about tomorrow-"

"I am," He interrupted, "It's your first big mission with Vilkas. And you know how he is about you."

I scoffed, "Trust me, I think I can handle him."

He shook his head in response and changed the subject. I was grateful he did.

I woke up the next morning to pounding on the door. I got up to answer it, ignoring the groans of my roomates. I opened the door and saw Vilkas.

"Yes, Vilkas?" I said annoyed.

"Put your armor on and let's go. I want to be back before the sun goes down." He said and walked away. I rolled my eyes and shut the door, probably a little harder than I intended.

"Someone isn't in a good mood this morning." I heard Ria say and turned to face her and she handed me my armor.

"Funny. Me or him?" I asked and started putting the gear on.

"Both of you. But it was mostly him." She said and we laughed a bit.

"I know. I don't know why he acts like that. You're probably used to it." I said and slid my boots on.

"Not really." She said and tightened my armor straps.

"What do you mean?" I asked and turned to face her.

"He's only like that around you. He's nice around everyone else. Well, as nice as Vilkas can get."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my sword, "Of course he is."

"Y/N! Come on we haven't got all day!" I heard him say outside the door.

"Wish me luck, Ria." I said and waved.

"Don't worry, I will." She laughed and waved back.

As Vilkas and I crept through the ruin trying to find a missing piece of Wuuthrad, he was easily getting on my nerves. He kept watching every little thing I did, and wasn't afraid to criticize me. I could hardly concentrate.

We had just finished killing two dragur when he spoke up, "Your knees should've been more bent." Thats when I snapped.

"What the hell, Vilkas? Would you just hush so I can concentrate? That was such little thing to comment on!" I said angrily as I turned to face him.

"Little, but important." He said and crossed his arms.

"Whatever." I said and turned around to continue the mission.

The rest of the trip was awful. Yes, we did get what we were looking for, but Vilkas never did shut up. I was beyond annoyed at him when we left. We were walking on the road and by this time it was late in the afternoon. We both were dirty and we stunk of ruin. I sped up so I could walk ahead of him because I honestly didn't want to be near him. He gladly let me pass him and we contiued on our way home.

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