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"Okay everyone these are your final weeks okay please rest and try your best okay these test are important"

December came quicker then I thought and I haven't been in the best shape after all of this love pentagon thing. That's right it's no longer a triangle it's a whole ass pentagon with Wendy,Yeri,Irene,and Joy who confessed to me last week when we went to the fair.



"Joy he's 15 he'll be fine" I held her hand trying my best to calm her down

"He's a very stupid 15 year old.Last time we came here he got his head stuck in a fence"
I laugh and just pull her to the gift shop remembering that Yuqi asked for a snow globe

"So you guys come here often"

"We used too but after the divorce by parents got very busy so we stopped" I looked at her and the smile I've always loved seeing was gone replaced with a large frown and her eyes slowly becoming watery

"Joy...I'm sorry" I pull her towards me and hug her laying my head on her chest

"It's okay it's been 4 years I should be over it by now" she pushes me away and walks over to the candy section where I see her wipe the tears that fell. I went to pay for Yuqi's gift but joy stops me and pays for it ,once she's done we go looking for jisung. We found him holding 2 large Mickey Mouse plushies with a hat that says dance king

"Where have you been and how did you get all of this" Joy helped carry one of the Mickeys

"I was over by the games and they were having a dance contest which I won and got 100 tickets and used them to win these" he smiles and laughs like a five year old which is absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen

"Okay we only have one hour left then we have to go home you have class tomorrow"

"Fine but let's go to the Ferris wheel I want to see the fireworks" he grabs onto my hand and pulls me to the wheel

"Are you okay" I look down at the little boy and notice that I'm shaking

"Hey Y/N you don't have to get on if you're scared okay" Joy comes behind us

"No it's fine Let's go" we enter the wheel but it only holds two so jisung went with another boy named Chenle

Once we get to the very top we stop and the fireworks go off lighting the sky with multiple of colors it's so beautiful

"Y/N" I look to my right where my eyes meet Joys and she has this look on her face that I can't exactly explain but it made me blush so hard

"Y/N I know I'm not the only one to tell you this but I think your amazing and I really want to go out with you"

"Joy I-" my sentence was cut off by her lips and I don't know how to react but my dumbass kisses back.The kiss starts to become heated once she bites my lip bring out a sound from me I never knew I could make.The ride ends and we pull apart both of us out of breath once I unlock the seatbelt I run away leaving Joy and her bother at the wheel. I called Shuhua and she took me to the dorm.Joy called all day and I don't know why I ran away but I also don't know why I kissed back

(Flashback ends)

My face turns red just remembering that kiss like what the actual fuc-


"Oh Yeri! Sorry I spaced out,what did you say"

"I asked if you wanted to get lunch together"

"Oh sure just let me stop by my dorm I don't have my wallet"

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