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"Congratulations team the OST has been approved" G.D popped open a bottle of champagne and handed it out. We've been working so hard on this project that I'm almost feels unreal. I skipped all the drinking and head to my office after congratulating my coworkers. Once I got there I decided to call my girlfriend who I haven't seen since yesterday. She didn't pick up but after a few minutes she called me back.

"Hey baby what's up" I missed her voice and you can call me dramatic but just hearing her makes me happy.

"Nothing just wanted to hear your voice" I heard heard her laugh

"So did they approve the track?"

"Yeah and I was thinking we could celebrate
with a movie date then dinner after at the restaurant by the beach"

"I'm sorry baby but I have a full schedule" again but I can't be selfish. I needed to understand that Irene is now a celebrity so she won't have the much time to spend with me. I'll probably just hang go hang out with my friends or something. I really did want to spend sometime with her before she left for her movie.

"It's okay I'll probably just hang out work some some stuff"

"Baby I'm really sorry but I have to go talk to you later" before I could tell her that I loved her she hung up. I layer back in my chair and thought about how this whole long distance thing would age. Could I have a relationship where it feels like I'm not really in one?


Turns out I couldn't do it. Having a super star girlfriend was cool at first. Everyone telling you how lucky you were to be dating a rising star, how Irene would send me lots of gifts from places she would visited while shooting. After  a while it started getting really hard.

I missed sleeping in bed with her, her warmth was now gone completely. We only talked once a week for about 20 minutes before she had to go. I tired to drown myself in my work which payed off because I ended up getting a promotion. I saved up my money and moved into a nice apartment after selling the house. After Seulgi left for her tour and Yeri moved into her brothers house so she could be closer to her niece, the house felt empty.

"Hey boss your girlfriend is that one actress from the Rising, right?"

" Kendall how many times do I have to tell you that I can't ask her to make you famous" Kendall was the assistant assigned to me when I got promoted. Their a sweet person and I enjoy their company while working here but they could really be annoying at times.

"That not it, I just saw this articles out her and her costar" they shoved their computer into my face and I would normally be surprised but this has happened multiple time already.
My jealousy got horrible when people started shipping her with her co stars then those stupid paparazzi reporter people started rumors about them dating. When it first happened we got into this huge argument which lead to us taking a small break. Then when we had weekly 20 minute talks yesterday I brought it up. I had seen pictures of her grinding up on some guy and asked about their relationship. She got upset with me saying that I no longer trust her but I'm just worried. This time we are talking another break but I looked closely at the computer and plastered all of was  pictures of her and that guy kissing.

"Kendall could you leave for a while"

"Sorry Y/N"

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