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"So what are your intentions with our baby sister"

"Are you only with her because of the money"

"If you break her heart we'll break you legs"

"I promise if you mess up I'll mess up your face"

"Guys! Stop you're gonna scare her away"
Yeri said that I had to met her family. I thought it was gonna be cool and that we're finally getting move forward with our relationship, but this is scary. I moment I stepped foot in this house the guys have been at my throat.

Her father is coming later which isn't giving me any reason not to jumó out the window and run.

"Y/N I'm sorry about them they can be a bit"


"I was gonna say over protective but that works too" she took my hand and dragged me upstairs to her room.

"So Y/N I was thinking of leaving soon" I looked at her with tears threatening to fall

"And I want you to come with me" she turned to me with tears in her eyes

"Yeri we have school"

"School will always be there,I want to see the world with you before you change your mind about choosing me" I laughed and kissed her

"Im happy with my choice and I'm in love with you, I'll follow where ever you go Yeri" she hugged me and just as we were about to kiss we heard muffled cries from the door. Yeri rolled her eyes and walked to the door. Once she opened it 8 guys fell in.

"Guys! Really"

"Sorry it's just that you guys are so cute"

"I can't believe our Yeri is all grown up now"

"And she's in love with a girl who loves her too"
All the guys on the floor started crying making Yeri laugh at her brothers. She looks over at me and winks at me

"I love you"

Two Years Later

"I love you too" I whispered into her ear as we slowed danced at Seulgi's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and I couldn't believe that it's been two years already. After that day in Yeri's room we started planning our trip around the world. We went everywhere, it was amazing. She was amazing. I fell in love with her every time the plane landed. The smile in her face and the way her eyes lit up just made my heart melt.

We haven't seen the girls in a while but we still talk once a week. Seulgi was the first in the group to get married. I still remember the night she called me to ask for my blessing. I laughed and told her to go for it but if he upset her once I'll go over there and rip his throat out.
I watched as our friends slowly fell in love and moved on. It made me happy that it all worked out.

"Y/N would you like to take a walk with me" I looked at her and nodded. She lead me into the forest. We just walked in complete silence until we got to the end of the path. I saw a truck with blankets, pillows, lights hanging and a small fire. I looked over at her and kissed her cheek

"When and why did you do this"

"Well today was the last day of our trip before going back home so I thought I would make it memorable" she pulled me closer to the fire

"I love you" I stopped her and kissed her making her wrap her arms around my neck

"I love you more"

"Prove it" she laughed but something in me told me now was that time

"Okay" I pulled in of the small rubber bands out of my hair and got down on one knee. She was shocked at first but then I could see the excitement in her eyes.

"Kim Yeirm I told you I would follow you any where, and since then I've never left your side. Now I don't think I ever can so please will you make me the happiest women alive and promise to stay by my side,Yeri will you marry me?" She got down on her knees and kissed me

"I would love to marry you" she look the rubber band from my hands and slipped it onto her finger. I'll get her a better one once we get back home.

We stayed in each other's arms for a while. Just staring  at the stars and talked about college or our travel memories

"Y/N do you remember our first date"

"How could I forget, you stole my first kiss"

"I knew I loved you when I spent that day with you, once I left my heart hurt not knowing what you were doing or what you were feeling. I just wanted to be with you."

"I'm sorry Yeri, that it took so long to realize that I felt the same pain. I loved you but I didn't want to hurt the other girls so I pushed everything away...I'm so sorry"

"It's okay Y/N because now we're here and now we're engaged" she lifted up her hand showing the rubber band

"I'm already picturing our wedding" I chucked at her


"Yeah I can already here the soft music playing. The the old man asking "Y/N L/N do you take Kim Yerim as you beloved wife till death do you part"

One Year Later

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride" as I was leaning down to kiss her, she pulled me down kissing me long and hard. The crowd whistled and clapped as we pulled apart and ran out of the church. I almost cried hearing Yeri's laugher as we got into the car

"Baby why at you crying"

"Because I've never been happier to be alive, I love you Kim Yerim"

"I love you more Kim Y/N" yeah I ended up taking her name. We did bicker about it but I couldn't say no to this girl.

"So where to my lovely wife"

"I was thinking Paris" I smiled at her and tired to face the driver

"Take us home please" I looked back at her and smiled. I'm gonna take the love of my life home.

"Um...where exactly is that ma'am?"

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