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This whole chapter will be for Yeri and Joy . I haven't really paid to much attention to them so I thought a short chapter would be nice.


When I woke up the bed was empty. I couldn't sleep properly yesterday. My mind was full of all these questions about our future. Our situation is so much more complicated now, we have to start over. I really want my Y/N back the one who would tell me that she loved me. I rolled over and checked the time on my phone it was almost 12. I had really slept in.

I decided to skip school today so I'll go on a trip over to Y/N's mother's house. She was really nice to me when we met at the hospital. I've never really had a mother figure other then Baekhyun. So it was nice to get a taste of whey is was.

"So Yerim hows my daughter? Has any of her memories come back" I was helping her water some of her plants. She said that she started a hobby to help her with her drinking. Whenever she gets upset she'll plant something new and think about how with time every will grow into something better.

"She's fine but no memories yet, but I wanted to talk about Pongo" she walked away from me and came back with a magazine. I took it out of her hands and read the cover "Tiffany Young"
Never heard of her.

"Who's this" I looked threw some of the pages and she was really pretty but why would Mrs.L/N give this to me.

"It's the women I sold Pongo to, I was taking him for a walk and she told me she wanted him for a fashion show"

"You sold Y/Ns dog to Cruella de vil"

"No I had pongo in his service vest and that it was her first runway show so she asked if he could help her" not sure how I should feel about this.I wanted to be mad but she had the right intentions.

"You should've talked to Y/N about it before you sold her service dog"

"I know that was my mistake but she wanted to try college without Pongo. He's been trained to help people but if he's locked up in the house who would he help" she has a point, gosh this makes me rethink my promise. I found a picture of Pongo and she looked happy with him. This girl needed a friend and Pongo seemed to be that for her.


"Guys could you not do thing right now"
Every once in a while both of our families come together for a nice brunch but today just wasn't the best.

"How could you bring this bitch here"

"Excuse me you don't speak to my fiancé that way" My father had brought yet again another women to our family day. Last time he freaked out when my mother brought her husband and their child. He said this was only a blood only gathering.

"Guy please stop it your making Jisung cry"
I walked other to my little brother and tried to calm him down.I realized that they wouldn't stop fighting so I got us out of the place. We got out of there and just kept driving with no destination.

"Where are we going Joy"

"Well how about I take you to your friends house and let you stay there until all of this is over"I knew that having him at home when I obviously knew my father would come home drunk like always wasn't the best. I couldn't have him with our mothers after how her husband treats us like trash.

We stopped at the house to grab a few of his things and made way to his friends house.
"Call me if you need anything okay" I yelled but I don't think he was paying attention.


"Sorry I have to leave so early"

"No it alright we can always do this some other time" I waved goodbye to Mrs.L/N. I had gotten a call from my father he wanted me to join him at church. I must've been an emergency because we usually don't go to church on Wednesdays. When I got there I saw a bunch of cars parked outside. I had to check my phone again to make sure that I didn't forget some kind of event.

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