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"I'm sorry honey but we can't make it this year"
My mother called telling me that my stepfather wasn't given permission to go on vacation this time so the family is staying over there.

"But Ma what am I supposed to do Christmas is tomorrow and I'm gonna be all alone"

"Why don't you call that friend of yours"

"Which one" I really don't have that many friends. I really don't talk about any of them to my mother

"That one girl you used to obsessed with"

"Seulgi? Ma we aren't friends anymore"

"Really I thought you liked her....did she break up with you"

"Ma I'm not talking about this okay good luck on your work project have a nice Christmas" I hung up on her and plopped back into my bed. I'm gonna be alone on Christmas. I tired to focus on the positive, my mom seems to be more open to the idea about me being gay then the last time we talked. After the divorce with my father she went from preaching about how wrong gay one day to now she's shipping me with every friend I have. I love that she was chill with it but just cause I'm gay it doesn't mean I'm into every girl. I still can't wrap my head around the idea that I'm spending Christmas alone I should call someone.......I got it



"Hello bunny Whats up"

"Um...what are doing for Christmas"

" Eric and I are heading to San Francisco why"
Well I can cross both her and Eric off the list

"It's nothing, whats in San Franciscano"

"Not sure we just thought it would be cool to want to come"

"Would love too but I'll pass" I really don't feel like spending my holiday walking around the city

"Are you alright it Seulgi again"

"Why does everyone-"She cut me off.RUDE!

"Joohyung you should just get back with her you're obviously still in love with the girl" Can no one give me a break. What's it gonna take for everyone to realize I've moved on and so has Seulgi.

"I don't love Seulgi...not like I used to"

"Oh...sorry" I got frustrated and hang up the phone throwing it but then I got bored so went to pick it up again. I picked it up and the screen was cracked JUST GREAT. I see that I got a text message from Y/N. I quickly dialed her phone and she picked up

"Hey" I tried my best to hide my excitement but I couldn't. She just makes me happy

"Didn't expect you to call" her voice washed away all my frustration. Calming me as always, I just want to see her.

"I just wanted to hear your voice" I hear her laugh and I could picture her blushing right now

"Do you miss me that much bunbun"

Bunbun?? Where did she hear that, did Seulgi tell her or was it Nayeon. No it couldn't have be Nayeon she doesn't completely like Y/N yet

"W-where did..that nickname come from?"

"Oh I remember hearing it from someone, why does it bother you?"

"No just surprised I haven't heard it in a long time" Seulgi used to call me that. It sounds odd coming from anyone other then her. Maybe it's because it's been a while since I've heard it.

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