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"Wendy could you please stop"

"Why you look amazing"

"No I don't" I pushed her and her camera away. She woke me up with a camera in my face and has been following me around all day

"Yes you do now come one I want some shots by the balcony " she walks out of the room. I just rolled my eyes and followed after her

"I can't believe it a mini me is gonna pop out of there soon" she rubbed my belly.

After choosing Wendy that day she asked me to marry her in that exact moment and of course I said no because I still wasn't ready for that commitment. She was so persistent that she asked me everyday for a year until I finally said yes. Thought the actual wedding didn't happen until last year because her work schedule just wouldn't allow it. Me on the other hand decided to part ways with G.Productions. They were a great company but they just weren't it for me. Writing music for other people was nice because I thought that was the only I could put myself out there.

I finished school and we moved to New York. There I found a bunch of opportunities for my carrier but none really stuck out. In the end I just followed what i love and became a piano teacher, life in the spotlight wasn't really for me. Wendy did try encouraging me to travel the world to see if anything sparked my interest again but I like my calm life. We did end up traveling the world for our honeymoon and made so many nice friends so once every two years we go on the same world trip but this year we had to hold back .


"So have you picked out a name?"

"Not really Wendy did want to name the baby after me" it took so much convincing to change her mind. I'm still kinda worried that when I'm passed out she's gonna do it anyway.

"You should name the baby after her future favorite aunt, Me"

"Shut it Yeri if the child gonna have one of our names it's gonna be me" I rolled my eyes at the two idiots. There's no away I'm gonna name my first child after them. I turned my attention to Seulgi who seemed to be spacing out

"So how was the honeymoon Seulgi"

"It was alright but it was cut short because Irene's manger got her another movie deal" I could tell by her face that she really wanted to spend to time with Irene. When they told us that they got back together it kinda shock us. Long distance isn't easy and with both of them having such a heavy schedule it might make things worse. They seem okay at first but Seulgi would ended up calling us from some bar crying about how Hollywood stole her girlfriend.

I pulled her into a small hug and rocked her side to side "I'm sorry teddy bear"

"Hey honey do you remember where I put my camera I need-" Wendy comes in and stops when she see Seulgi resting her head against my belly. She came over and pushed her off then took her place

"Wendy that wasn't nice"

"So if she was to get hugs from someone then she should get them from her wife" Wendy gets up and drags Seulgi all the way to where Irene is talking to Joy.

"This is yours so keep it away from mine" at the beginning of the relationship her jealousy was kinda cute but now it's just scary

So life has been good for us these years. I looked down at my belly and kept jumping back and fourth over possible names for this baby. I continued walking down the hallway of the beautiful house Wendy's father gifted to us on our wedding day. We kept rejecting it but just like his daughter they don't take no for an answer. The house was large which kinda worried me but Wendy does most of the house work especially since she started working from home more often. I walked into the library where I spend most of my time thinking and sat down on the nice leather couch.

I look around and just try my best to think about nothing but a name for our child. My eyes stopped on a picture. I smiled the moment I saw the faces of those in the picture. I remember meeting them, Wendy's second family. I decided on the name but I have to get permission from those who hold a lot of love for the name


"I think it's such a lovely idea"

"Thank you Taemin what do the rest of you think"
I looked at the guys and they had very plain faces, it was hard to read their expressions. It was a while before any of them spoke

"I like the idea but...It just doesn't feel right"
We all looked over at key

"Key it's her baby"

"Then why ask" he looked at me and I myself don't fully understand why I asked the guys. 

"I'm not sure I just didn't want you guys to feel uncomfortable with the name or think it's in some way disrespectful" the all stood up and walked towards me

"We love it and  now understand you're concern"

"I'm sorry about my outburst"

"It's understandable" once we finished talking we finally were ready to present the name to Wendy.

"So what are you guys doing here" we had gathered everyone into the living room and had Wendy sit next to me

"I had an idea about the name of our baby and I wanted to ask the guys for their opinion" I could feel that Wendy was slowly getting what the name was by the way she was squeezing my had

"So the name of the baby is..."


"Ya Jonghyun put down your sisters teddy bear"
I heard Wendy yell while running after our baby boy.

After coming up this the name we all agreed on it but we still didn't know the gender of our baby so we sat down and thought of names for a sweet baby girl.

We decided on naming her Jinri after Wendy's mother. Once we got to the hospital for our check up we were informed that we had two peas in the pod.

Wendy couldn't hold back her tears but it took us months to come up with two names now we're gonna have to look for two more. But the doctor said we will have a boy and girl twins, so it all worked out

It was a struggle naming these little angels but I love the way the name fits them perfectly.

"Come on Sulli let's help Mama before she attacks your brother" I pick up my baby girl and chase after the two goofballs. Once I found them I let the baby down and she ran to her mama. The sight was beautiful, my family. I pulled out my phone and quickly took a picture of them sitting outside on the grass playing with Melon and Cantaloupe *new bunny.

I joined them and laid my head on Wendy's shoulder



"I love you"

"I love you too Y/N" She kissed my head and held me closer. We stayed like this until it was time for bed. Once we finished putting the kids to sleep I walked back to my room. As I got closer to our room I smelled flower. I looked down and rose petals were all over. I continued walking and the rose path lead right into our room. I laughed as I opened the door and found my adorable wife waiting for me with a dozen roses. I looked around and candles were lit the bed was also filled with roses and my name was spelled out on the floor with blue flowers.

"Happy anniversary honey" I walked towards her and gave her a long and hard kiss

"Happy anniversary my love" she picked me up and carried me to the bed.

"You're gonna have to be quiet the kids just went to sleep" She winked at me before removing her shirt

Gosh I'm really happy I chose her 😉

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