Chapter 1

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It was just me and Carlisle at our house in Alaska. Soon we would have to move again. Our 'youngest' kids were in college but in a few months they would graduate and we would leave.
Carlisle was at the hospital, he was at the hospital a lot lately. I wanted to go hunting before Carlisle arrived home so I ran out the door and sped towards the woods. There were plenty of animals for us to drink from, it was Alaska after all. I drained the bodies and then buried them. I was heading back home when I heard whimpering. I sniffed the air and smelled a human. I took off in the direction of the sounds. I slowed before I got too close to the human. She was a small thing, all skin and bones. She wore a thin nightgown, it shocked me with how cold it was. I could see some bruises, and scratches. If she was bleeding I wouldn't know, I didn't feel any bloodlust or thirst towards her. I stopped just a few steps away from her and crouched.
"Oh dear, are you ok?" She shied away from my words, but she did raise her head to look at me. As soon as her eyes reached mine I felt a pull towards her. Mate. But Carlisle was my mate, was it possible I had two. I didn't have time to dwell on that thought, I had to make sure she was safe. I heard her heart slow and when I looked over I noticed she was unconscious. I slowly lifted her in my arms making sure to cradle her head. She was so tiny it wasn't difficult. I took off running towards the house, I had to get her warm.
I reached the house and brought her upstairs to our guest room. Luckily there was a bed in there for when any of Jake's pack stayed over. I gingerly placed her on the bed. I went to Alice's room to grab some warmer clothes, she was about the same size so they should fit well. As soon as I got her changed I would call Carlisle. I took off her nightgown and gasped. She was covered in bruises and cuts. The parts of her skin that weren't bruised were extremely pale. She looked malnourished and it concerned me.
I lifted her legs and put the sweats on her, then I pulled them up and around her waist. I then lifted her torso and slid hoodie over her head. I put her arms through and pulled it down. I tucked her under the thick comforter hoping it was enough to warm her.
I picked up my cell and speed dialed Carlisle.
"Carlisle Cullen"
"Carlisle, I found a poor girl in the woods. Oh its absolutely awful. She looks so bad."
"Bring her to the hospital."
"No Carlisle, I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because Carlisle, she is my mate, my second mate I believe. She is so hurt already, I don't trust anybody to touch her."
"Ok dear, I'll make and excuse and come home, I'll take care of her if you will allow it."
"I'll try. I just don't know if I can."
"I understand, I'll be there as soon as possible. Make sure to keep her warm and if she wakes up give her some fluids." Carlisle then hung up. I sat on the bed beside my mate and gently stroked her hair. She was filthy, so I got up and grabbed a basin and a washcloth. I filled the basin with warm water. I walked to her bedside. I dipped the washcloth in the water and then wrung it out. I wiped the dirt off her face, then I moved on to her arms, rolling the sleeves up as I went. I did the same thing for her legs. I wiped her stomach and her back. I had also grabbed a towel. I made sure she was completely dry before I went to drain the basin and throw the cloth and towel into the wash. I went back to her bedside to stroke her hair and make sure she was comfortable. Carlisle walked in the door not to long after.
"Hello dear, I will ask your permission before I do anything. I don't want to move too fast and have you attack me."
"I would never."
"Your instincts would tell you to with her being in such a vulnerable state. I would hold nothing against you for doing so. I ask that I may come closer to examine her for injuries."
"Please." Carlisle stepped closer to her and I let out a little growl before I could stop myself.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be, just try not to attack me before I can assess her injuries." Carlisle grabbed his doctor bag and checked her temp and blood pressure. He then pulled the blankets back to look at her.
"I'm going to lift up her shirt now, I will not remove it fully until she can give me verbal consent." He lifted her shirt and tenderly pressed on her abdomen. He then turned her and checked her back. He moved to look at her head before I heard him whisper something. It was so low that even I couldn't hear him.


When Esme called me at work I was a little concerned. When she told me she had found a girl who was her second mate and the girl was injured I was concerned even more. I wasn't expecting such a sickly looking girl. Esme said it was bad but I thought it was the mate bond exaggerating it. But the girl truly looked awful. I checked her temp and her blood pressure. I then checked to make sure she didn't have any internal bleeding. When I looked at her face to try to rule out any brain bleeds it hit me. Mate.
"What did you say Carlisle."
"This girl, she is my mate as well."
"Well how is that possible"
"It's called a triad. When a mated pair mates with a third one. It's not common but it isn't unheard of." I continued my exam of her head. I then moved on to her limbs. Gently making sure nothing was broken.
"It seems she has sprained her wrist, and her cuts will need to be addressed but they are all shallow and can wait until she is conscious."
"What can I do?"
"She will need some food and stuff. We don't have much. You should head to the store, I'll stay with her."
"Ok" my wife said with a sad look on her face.
"Don't be sad, I'll keep her safe. It'll be good for you to shop for her, you were always better at it then I." Esme left to go and pick up some basic things a human needed. Shortly after she left my mate started to stir. When her eyes fell on me she shrunk into the bed trying to make herself look even smaller.
"Don't be scared, you are safe here."
"But how, you are a bloodsucker." Her words stunned me. How did this little human know about my greatest secret. I decided to lie.
"A bloodsucker, surely you are mistaken. My wife found you in the woods, you were injured. I am a doctor."
"You look like a bloodsucker. Is your mate still here."
"I guess there is no use in hiding it from you."
"No there isn't, so want to explain your diet. Or your life at all."
"Well most vampires drink..."
"I don't need to know about normal vampires. I know enough about them. I want to know about you and your coven."
This human seemed to know quite a bit about vampires. I moved to sit at the end of her bed.
"My coven and I drink the blood of animals. That's why my eyes are golden in color instead of red. We are a fairly large coven, 9 of us in total."
"9. Wow that is a lot."
"Yes, there is myself and Esme, then Emmett and Rosalie, Edward and Bella, Alice and Jasper and then little Renesmee."
"Are you the coven leader."
"Yes, I am Carlisle."
"Why did you save me. What do you want from me?"
"I'll explain more when my wife gets back. She went to the store to get some groceries for you."
"Well you are human. You will need to eat."
"Why would you spend your time and money on me?"
"Ah, Esme just arrived." I was desperate to change the subject. How would I explain to this little human that she was mated to two vampires.

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