Chapter 9

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Stef had spent last night curled up in Emmett's arm. He was the last one who hadn't slept with her and he was excited it finally happened. Stef started to wake up. She lifted her head and smiled at Emmett. He smiled back showing off his dimples. She tried to get up but Emmett just wrapped his arms around her tighter.

"Emmett, I need to get up."

"Stay with me, you are so warm and last night was our first night together."

"Emmett, please let me up."

"Why?" He whined.

"Because Emmett, I am human and I have to pee. Now let me up before I pee on myself and you."

"Oh." He relaxed her arms and let her up. She went to the bathroom. She did her morning routine while she was at it. When she was done in the bathroom she left and walked over to her closet.

"Alice" she called. Alice came in immediately and went into the closet. Emmett was still laying on the bed.

"I don't know what to wear."

"We are just staying home today but never fear your little pixie is here." Alice said with a sly grin. When Stef left the closet she was wearing a black cropped hoodie and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. She was also wearing a pair of black vans.

"Damn, you look hot." Emmett said enthusiastically.

"Thank you Emmett. Will you take me downstairs?" Emmett nodded and then swung her over her shoulder.

"Usually I'm picked up in a normal hold not thrown over someone's shoulder caveman style."

"I like it better this way." And then he playfully hit her butt. She squealed and he did it again with a grin and a chuckle. He took her into the kitchen and set her on the counter. Esme had already started making breakfast.

"Hello dear."

"Hi Esme. Can you come here for a minute?" Emmett had already left the kitchen. Esme walked to her and then stopped.

"A little closer please." Esme did and then Stef grabbed her arms and pulled her inbetween her legs. Stef pulled her into an embrace.

"You smell nice." Stef commented. Then she pulled Esme's chin up and kissed her. The kiss was sweet but intimate. The released eachother and Stef was breathless.

"You taste nice too."

"I know she does." Carlisle was in the kitchen and had watched the whole thing.

"Hi Carlisle." Stef jumped off the counter and walked over to him. He leaned down and she gave him a peck on the lips.

"Goodmorning Stef. I see you are becoming a little more comfortable."

"I have had the chance to spend time with everybody. I have yet to learn much about Emmett and Rosalie's. Because our dates haven't happened yet. I hope to take a walk and spend some time with them today."

"Well have fun. I will be gone for a few hours dealing with some last minute things at the hospital." He gave her another peck and a embrace before he embraced Esme, he gave her a kiss as well but this one was more passionate.

"I like the taste of my mates together." He said with a smile before he left.

"So what's for breakfast?"

"I'm making you some oatmeal and a smoothie."

"Sounds great." She kissed Esme's cheek and went to pull out the needed dishes.

*fast forward*
Stef had just finished her lunch and she was about to go on her walk with Emmett and Rosalie. She was excited to learn about them and to tell them more about her self. She also planned on kissing them. She had already kissed Emmett but Rosalie was her next target. Each of her first kisses with her mates seemed to leave them in a trance state and she loved it. She hoped by the end of the week she would have kissed all of them. She was kissing Rosalie next then she had to get Bella, Alice, and Edward. She would kiss Alice when she helped her get ready for bed then she would kiss Edward and Bella when they stayed with her tonight.

"Ready for our walk little one?" Rosalie asked.

"I am." She got up and they walked out the door. Emmett wanted her to climb on her back but she shook her head.

"I might fall off, you are too big for me to get a proper hold."

"That's ok. You can climb on my back just don't vomit in my hair," said Rosalie. Stef grinned and climbed onto Rosalie. They took off running until they were a good distance away from the house.
Emmett discussed his life first. Then Stef told them hers. When it was time for Rosalie's they had stopped and sat on the damp grass. After Rosalie told her story Stef felt closer to her. Stef climbed onto Rosalie's lap to hug her and decided the timing was perfect. She leaned in and kissed her slow and passionately. Rosalie obviously returned the kiss. They got up to head back, Stef gave Emmett a peck and then Rosalie. She climbed on Rosalie's back once again and they went home.


I suggested we watch another movie tonight. I planned on kissing Alice before the movie. I headed to my closet and sat contemplating what to wear.

"Alice" she flitted in my room.

"Need help deciding what to wear?"

"Yes" I also need to kiss you I thought. Alice started sorting through my closet and I stood directly behind her. She turned around and I made my move. I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I put my arms around her neck. Our kiss was almost as passionate as the one Carlisle and I shared. It was neck and neck with Esme's kiss. I stopped kissing her and grabbed the clothes from her hand. She stood frozen as soon as I disconnected from her. I seemed to have that affect on my mates. I left to go get dressed. I emerged wearing a matching pajama set with pineapples on it.

"You coming downstairs or are you staying in the closet for the rest of the night." Alice snapped out of her trance and grinned.

"I had a vision, of you and us."

"Oh really, what were we doing?"

"I'm not telling but I had it when we kissed so maybe if you kiss me again I'll have another one."

"Maybe another time Alice. I haven't kissed everybody just yet so I don't want them to think I'm playing favorites." She pouted a little at my words and it made me giggle.
"Alice, would you like to take me downstairs?" She grinned and nodded. Then she picked me up and ran down the stairs with me.

"Careful Alice, she is human." Esme chastised.

"I'm okay Esme, I like being carried and I like it when you guys run with me." Alice set me down and I walked into the living room. Everybody was already seated so I purposefully swayed my hips a little. I knew it was mean to tease but I found it funny. Tonight I sat with Rosalie, Jasper, Esme and Carlisle on the couch. The rest of my mates were seated on the floor in front of the couch. There wasn't enough room for 5 people on the couch but I just layed across them. We were all happy that way. I once again had my feet on Jasper. Rosalie was seated beside him. My head was in Esme's lap and Carlisle was inbetween Rosalie and Esme. Esme stroked my hair throughout the movie. Jasper rubbed my feet, Carlisle occasionally stroked my leg and Rosalie had her arm lazily across my waist. I was perfectly content. When the movie was over I directed my thoughts at Edward.

Can you and Bella take me to bed tonight.

"Ok, come on." Edward picked me up once I was standing. He started off when I noticed Bella wasn't following us.

"Bella, are you coming?" She immediately hopped up and came to our side. We went to my bedroom and Edward layed me down. I curled up on his chest once again and Bella snuggled into me. I loved laying with them. I turned my head and kissed Bella right on the lips. Then I turned back and kisses Edward the same way.

"Goodnight," I said. They were frozen but I just smiled and layed my head on Edward's chest. I was really starting to love my power over them. They carried me whenever I want and if I kissed them they froze. I drifted off to sleep thinking about my wonderful vampire mates.

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