Chapter 8

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"Now Nessie, you will apologize to Stefanie. She didn't deserve your attitude. If I catch you giving attitude to anybody you will be back in this study and it won't be me who goes easy on you it will be your grandfather who does not go easy. So I suggest you clean your act up now."

"Yes daddy." 

"Good, now once you are ready I want you to join me downstairs . I would like to discuss the family plans with you and the pack." Edward left the study while Renesmee calmed herself after getting put over her father's knee like she was 3 and not a grown adult. 

"I'm sorry Stef. My daughter usually isn't like this, I apologize that this is the way you met her." 

"It is OK Edward. I probably wouldn't be very happy if I was in her position either." 

"I appreciate your words Stef, Nessie shouldn't be rude to you anymore." He kissed her cheek and she smiled at him. 

"I'm done with breakfast, can I help you with dishes Esme?"

"Nope, you will be spending some time with Jasper and the pack in the family room while Renesmee helps me clean up."

"Yes, Nana." Renesmee says as she comes into the kitchen. "And Stef, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it."  Stef left the kitchen still holding Jasper's hand before she fully left she reached out for Edward's hand and he gladly took it. The pack followed them. 

"Jacob, Leah, Seth. We are leaving Alaska." Edward informed them.

"Isn't that a little early, I thought you guys were graduating college first." Seth spoke up.

"Something came up and we will be leaving in one weeks time." 

"OK, now are you going to formally introduce us to the little lady you have with you." Jacob said.

"This is Stefanie, she is a human female aged 17 years. She knew quite a bit about vampires before she met us. She is our mate, as in everybody in the coven."

"Even Carlisle and Esme."

"Especially Carlisle and Esme, they were the first to discover her, they have spent the most time with her." 

"Jasper can we take a walk, I want to clear my head." Stef asked Jasper.

"Of course darling."

"And Jasper can you carry me out until we are far enough away from everybody?"

"Yes." Jasper walked out the door with her, then he situated her on his back. He started out with a slow run before he slowly sped up. When they were far enough away he slowed and let her down. She clasped his hand. 

"Jasper, I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?"

"Everything, I just feel scared all the time. I try to suppress it but it always comes back."

"I haven't felt you be scared all that often."

"I told you, I've been suppressing it."

"But nobody has been able to suppress it and have me still not feel it." 

"Jasper, I can hide things from everybody, gifts or no gifts."

"I don't know how to help you darling." 

"I just need you to be there. You make me feel better. Carlisle makes me feel better to but he is always so worried about my physical health he doesn't notice that I need him."

"I'll always be there for you darlin' and if you tell Carlisle how you feel I'm sure he will reevaluate his ways." She giggled a little at his southern words and accent.

She hugged him and then she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him. It was just a little peck but he would be blushing if he could. She grabbed his hand with a grin on her face and started back to the house. About halfway there he stopped and picked her up and ran the rest of the way home.
All the kids were already in the house the only person missing was Carlisle. He was still finishing up at the hospital.

"Hi guys, I was wondering if we could all watch a movie tonight."

"That sounds great dear." Carlisle walked in the door shortly after they finished discussing what movie to watch.

"Carlisle, I was wondering if we could take a walk and talk." Carlisle had a curious look on his face.

"We can do that, just let me put my stuff away." They walked out the door together and he ran with her the same way Jasper did.

"Carlisle, I want you to stop treating me like a patient. I need you to care for me but not as a sick person. I need you to be there for my emotional needs."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that you didn't want me to treat you like a patient. I thought that was what we were to each other at the moment."

"Silly Carlisle." Stef pulled him into a hug and then she kissed him, it started out as a soft kiss but it quickly deepened. It was still gentle but it was more intimate. They eventually broke it off so Stef could breathe.

"Well, didn't know we were at that stage." Carlisle chuckled.

"I didn't fully realize either. Anyway we are all watching a movie tonight, I trust you'll be there."

"Wouldn't miss it." They walked hand and hand back to the house. They didn't run or anything but rather walked in silence just enjoying each other's company.

Edward had just put in the movie. Renesmee and Jacob were on one love seat with the rest of the pack on the floor at their feet. Stef had sat in the middle of the couch and there was arguing over who would sit with her.

"Why don't some of you just sit on the floor in front of me?"

"Why do some of us have to sit on the floor?" Emmett whined.

"I could just sit by myself or I could sit with the wolves."

"Please don't. I'll behave. I don't want you to smell like dog for the next week." In the end the girls were on one couch and the boys on another. Stef was currently sitting on the couch with the girls. She planned on moving later but they didn't know that so the boys were sulking. When there was about thirty minutes left in the movie Stef started to stretch. She then got up and laid across the boys. Her head was on Carlisle's lap, her feet on Jasper and her body was on Edward. Emmett was on the floor and she was playing with his hair. Jasper rubbed her feet, Carlisle stroked her hair and Edward had his hand on her hip bone. When the movie was over Stef was tired and ready for bed.

"Emmett will you carry me to bed." Emmett got really excited, he hadn't been asked to carry her to bed before and who ever carried her to bed stayed with her all night.

"Sure thing." Emmett lifted her up in a bridal hold and carried her to bed.

"Emmett will you stay with me tonight." He nodded, he didn't trust his words not to betray how happy he was. He climbed on top of her covers. She gave him a peck on the lips before she curled up on his chest and fell asleep.

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