Chapter 2

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I came back from the store my car full of groceries. I had no clue what my little mate liked to eat. I had soups and jello in case she needed something light. Then I had the makings for big meals. I had also gotten plenty of fruits and vegetables. I wanted her to be happy and healthy. I made sure to also grab some basic hygienic products a human would need.
As I made my way into the house I heard her light voice. She was awake. I so desperately wanted to run up and embrace her but I didn't  want to scare her. Instead I started preparing her food. I made some soup and toast, I grabbed a jello cup and a bottle of water. I placed them all onto a tray and made my way up the stairs to her bedroom. I knocked on the door and then pushed open.
"Hello dear, I said as I walked in. My mate was sitting up on the bed. She looked so small and frail. I placed the tray on the bedside table.
"I made some soup and stuff."
"What do you mean how."
"How did you know how to cook? Most vampires don't know how"
I was utterly shocked, I turned to Carlisle with a questioning look.
"I didn't tell her she seemed to already know," he said.
"I apologize, I don't want to offend you but all the vampires I have met don't understand or remember the basic human needs."
"Oh, do you need the lavatory."
"That would be appreciated"
"Do you need help?"
"I can use the bathroom by myself but some help to get there would be nice." I offered her my arm to support herself as she stood up. I walked with her to the bathroom and then waited for her. Once she was done I helped her back into the room. Carlisle was setting up his doctor stuff so he could do a more thorough exam.            "We never asked your name, what is your name?"          "My name is Stefanie Marie."
"And your last name, who and where your parents are, why you were in the woods in Alaska wearing a nightgown?" Carlisle questioned. 
"I never had a last name. I don't know anything about my parents, they abandoned me when I was born or at least that's what I was always told. I ran away in the middle of the night."
"Why did you run away? Who told  you you were abandoned?" Carlisle asked, I was curious as well.
"Look mister, if you are going to be asking me a ton of questions and you want them answered you should start answering my questions too."
"What are you wanting to know?" This time it was I who asked the question, and I planned on answering all of her questions honestly. She was my mate after all, it was only fair if I answered her questions. 
"Why do you seem to care about me so much? What are you wanting from me? Do you plan on reporting me to the Volturi? 
"We have no intentions on telling the Volturi about you. We don't want anything from you. Your other question is a little harder. How much do you know about vampires?"
"I know that your diet consists of blood. Vampires are stronger, faster and just overall better than humans. Vampires have something called mates. The mating bond is very strong and can not be avoided. Newborn vampires are very dangerous, all vampires are dangerous but newborns can't control themselves. The Volturi are kings and they make sure the vampire world doesn't descend into chaos."
"Very good, so to answer your question, we care because it would appear that you are our mates."
"Your mates, as in both of you?"
"Yes, is that an issue?"
"No, but once you know about my past you won't want me." It broke my heart that this  girl thought she could scare us away with her past. She was just a human, what kind of troubles could she have truly gone through?
"Look, I was abandoned when I was born. I was in foster care until I was kidnapped. The man who kidnapped me had discovered something very unusual about me and he extorted that to get money for his drug habit."
"What do you mean unusual?" Carlisle asked.
"I was getting there. I can't bleed to death. My blood doesn't cause a frenzy in vampires. Actually when consumed my blood can calm even the most vicious of bloodsuckers. Venom doesn't seem to affect me either, at least not in a normal way."
"Well how does it affect you then?" Carlisle again.
"The venom seems to arouse me. I get all hot and bothered by it. Which brings me to another thing. The man who kidnapped me rented my body out to vampires. They would drink my blood then rape me. It was awful, I would always end up covered in bruises but I never died no matter what they did to me. Occasionally he would sell me out to humans as well."
"Oh honey, that is absolutely awful but it wasn't your fault and it doesn't make us want you any less." Stefanie than threw her arms around me and hugged me. It took me by surprise at first but I breathed in her scent and it instantly calmed me. 
"OK Stef, I'm going to have to check you out. I checked on you a little bit when you were unconscious but I didn't want to take your clothes off without your consent. I'll first have you remove your shirt and I will clean and dress any wounds. Then I'll do your legs so that you aren't completely undressed."
"Then after he does all that I want you to eat some more and rest. I mean you are insanely skinny and we need to put some meat on those bones."
"I apologize, I was recently drunk from. The vampire took quite a bit so I will be smaller for a couple weeks until my body can replenish what was taken."
"Oh honey, I was just messing with you. You are skinny but I would never hold your body weight against you." Carlisle was finishing up with her wounds on her torso. 
"So, when do I get to meet the rest of your coven?"
"Well the story is that they are our adopted children so they are at college soon. They'll graduate soon though and we will move to another place." 
"Is that how you kept a residence?"
"Yes, we matriculate a lot but we get to stay in one place for a few years and pretend to be normal." Carlisle finished her legs and was just cleaning up a few odds and ends.
"I have to go hunt so will you guys be ok for a little bit. I'll make sure to be quick." Carlisle said.
"You could always drink from me."
"No, you are way to weak for me to even think about thinking about it."
"Go Carlisle, we will be fine. Stefanie will be resting and I'll be making sure she is ok."
"I'll be back soon. I want to take Stefanie to the hospital when I get back. Just to run a few tests and make sure she is in a good condition." 
"OK Carlisle, I trust you to make sure she is safe and if you think going to the hospital is the best option I agree with you." Carlisle kissed me on the cheek and patted Stefanie's hand. When he left I couldn't help but notice that Stefanie looked a little sad with his absence. I tucked her into the blankets once more making sure she was warm. I then kissed her forehead and told her to get some sleep.
A few hours later Carlisle returned, his eyes a light gold. 
"Is she alright?"
"Yes, she is sleeping but I believe that she will wake soon based on her breathing and heart rate."
"As soon as she wakes we will take her to the hospital, 
"I told the hospital that there was an emergency at home. We will have to think of something if we want to keep this under wraps."
"We could always tell them that she is my distant cousin's kid. That my cousin was murdered a few months back and they couldn't find her child. We were given custody of her and could take her as soon as she was found."
"How would we explain her current condition?
"She showed up our doorstep.  We already have permission to take her because of our status as foster parents. She had saw her mother being murdered and had run, as long as we make sure she is healthy and can comply with everything she needs we can adopt her when she is cleared."
"That sounds good enough, we shouldn't be asked too many questions and if we do we can play the part as grieving family." I heard Stefanie stir upstairs, she must be waking.

"Time to go to the hospital." 

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