Chapter 4

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The next couple of weeks were hard for everyone. Carlisle and Esme had taken time off of work to care for Stef. Everybody was walking on eggshells. Stef didn't want to make them mad. Esme and Carlisle were afraid they would scare off their little mate, she was only a human and 17 at that. Esme kept herself busy by cooking and online shopping for Stef. Carlisle did paperwork. Stef slept the days away. It had been three weeks since they came home from the hospital. Stef was getting fed up with everything and wanted to put an end to it. She knew how just how to do it.

"OK, this needs to end," Stef said marching into the family room where Esme and Carlisle were seated.

"What needs to end?" Carlisle questioned.

"We haven't talked at all. All of us are walking on eggshells and it needs to end. I am your mate and if you want this to go anywhere we need to communicate."

"I'm sorry, we were trying to not scare you off. You are so young and we didn't want you to leave us for something that could've been avoided."Esme said with a caring face.

"I don't know you guys very well but I want to. I feel so connected to you already and I know that it is due to the mating bond but it is there and it is real." Stef sat on the couch inbetween the two of her mates. Esme couldn't resist and pulled her into a hug. Stef returned that hug breathing out a sigh of relief and contentment. When they released each other Stef turned to Carlisle.

"I'm going to hug you now mister." Stef then climbed into his lap, straddling him and hugged him as tight as she could. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her tight. Not too tight to hurt her but just on the border. 

The rest of their day was spent talking about everything. They discussed their pasts and their favorite things and a slew of other topics. It was eventually 3 in the morning and Stef was having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

"I think it is bed time for the human."

"I'd rather just stay here with you guys on this comfy couch." Stef layed down resting her head on Esme's lap. Carlisle rushed off and returned with a thick blanket. He wrapped it tightly around Stef and then set her back down. He settled himself at her feet and then lifted them onto her lap. He started to rub them soothingly and seconds later she was asleep.

A few hours had passed since Stef fell asleep. Esme and Carlisle silently watched her sleep. She had a tendency of talking in her sleep and they loved to hear her thoughts and dreams. Carlisle perked his head up after hearing a car start down his long driveway.

"Who do you think that is?"

"I don't know. Do you think it is someone who is lost?"
They didn't need to speculate for long, they eventually heard voices.

"Ah, it's the children. Why are they here? They should be at school."

"Well you can ask them yourself. They should be here in a few minutes." Sure enough the door opened a few minutes later.

"What the HELL were you two thinking bringing a human into the house and telling her our secret?" Alice said, just on the brink of shouting. She wasn't in the same room when she started but by 'secret' she was.

"Alice, lower your voice she is sleeping."

"Why should I, this girl needs to go. I haven't been able to see either of your's futures since the one showing you two speaking about vampires."

"That is a very serious thing but we can't just abandon her. This girl here is our mate and we will not throw her out." Everybody else was now in the living room. Each person held at least one decent sized bag. Emmett came closer to take a peak at her and when her eyes fluttered open he was shocked.


"WHAT?" Rosalie shouted. Stef jumped up, startled. She glanced back and forth meeting each of the vampire's eyes. Each one said the same thing. Mate.

"Carlisle, what is happening?" Stef asked very concerned.

"Well it appears that you are the mate of every vampire in this room."

"Well I gathered since they all said mate but that doesn't tell me how or why."

"I really don't know, we can do some research but in the mean time all we know is that you are mated to a very large number of vampires."

"Fun, it wasn't like I already had an overabundance of protective vampire mates." Stef said sarcastically.

"I like her" Emmett states. Stef gave a little smile and then groaned.

"What's wrong with her? Is she okay? Carlisle?" Everybody started panicking. Stef then jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Everybody heard her begin to wretch. Carlisle ran to the bathroom. Stef was vomiting. He held her hair back and rubbed her back. Her attempts to shove him away were feeble. When she was all done Esme brought her a glass of water.

"Not to much now, your stomach needs to settle." Stef glanced over and noticed that everybody was watching her.

"Carlisle, I think I'm sick." Stef wanted to ask him to make everybpdy go away but that would only make them sad so she decided that she would let them go in their own time.

"I think so too. Once you are up to it I would like to take you to the hospital for a few tests."

"Not the hospital, I hate it there."

"I know hon but the tests will tell me what's wrong and then I can treat you." Carlisle stroked her head. She huffed and put her head inbetween her knees.
An hour later Stef decided to get the hospital trip done and over with. Everybody wanted to go with her.

"How would we explain that one?" Carlisle asked.

"You could say that I'm scared of hospitals and my new and concerned siblings wanted to be there for moral support."

"Damn. She is good." Emmett praised. Once they had Stef's hospital bag packed they all set out to pile in the vehicles. Two would have to be taken. A small fight broke out when they were discussing who would be in a car with Stef.

"Why don't we just switch off?  One group goes with me to hospital then the other goes home with me."

"Ever the little problem solver." Esme said and kissed her cheek. The rest of the way to the hospital was mostly uneventful. Carlisle had to pull over once for Stef to vomit but other than that they were golden. Once at the hospital Stef didn't want to walk. Carlisle gave in and carried her in. He walked right up to the nurses station in the E.R.

"Ah, long time no see Dr. Cullen." The nurse said with a gleam in her eye. It was the same nurse as last time.

"Tina, I am not ok with you flirting with me. Especially when I am carrying my sick child into the hospital. This is the second time you have done this. I WILL be speaking to the board about you working here. Now I would like a room and for Dr. Hawks to run some tests."
They got a room and Dr. Hawks saw them. He ran a few tests on Stef.

"Well, it looks like she just has the flu. I'll prescribe some medication and then you can be on your way." Once at home Carlisle tucked Stef into bed. Esme brought her some tea and a bottle of cold water. Each vampire came in and kissed her goodnight.

"Wait, Carlisle. Can you sit with me? I don't like sleeping alone."

"Of course." Carlisle climbed into the bed with her. She curled into his side and fell fast asleep. That night she didn't dream at all. She had a restful and peaceful sleep.

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