Chapter 15.

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I woke up on the sofa in our new home. I cautiously opened my eyes and saw that nobody was in the room with me. I stretched out my body. Carlisle wasn't kidding, my body was so sore. It was a good sore though, a reminder of the night I had. I swung my legs of the sofa and tried to stand but my legs gave out and I fell to the floor with a umph. All my vampires rushed in. They fretted over me once I was off the ground and back on the sofa. They discussed my well being with out even talking to me.

"What if she is sick?"

"What if she is seriously injured?"

"Carlisle, did you hurt her last night?"

"Guys, I am right here. Edward, Bella, Emmett, Rosalie it is nice to see you. I am fine, can I please go to the bathroom." I said with a little more attitude than necessary. Jasper helped me up and then let me be. I waddled towards the closest bathroom, my bladder was full and was protesting with every move I made. I finally made it to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I was totally finished I waddled my way back into the living room. They were still arguing.

"Everyone shut up. I am not sick or hurt. I am a little sore from my night but it is a good sore. It tells me it wasn't just a dream. Now if you guys will stop arguing. I will tell you if I am sick or hurt."

Edward, something cold on my soreness would be nice.

"Where are you sore?

I think you know where I am sore at. I think it would help if you all took turns being my ice pack.

I purposefully sent out a wave of arousal to Jasper. He let out a growl and then rubbed the back of his neck. Edward dragged Jasper to the sofa and they both sat down. Then he positioned me in such a way my body was totally against theirs.

Edward you haven't reached the part that is the most sore.

"And what part is that?"

My little lady bits. I was penetrated quite a lot last night.

Edward cupped his hand over my sweats and my lady bits. It felt so good that I let out a little moan. I could feel the ever growing hardness from the men beneath me at my little sounds.

*time skip*

Esme made me breakfast and brought it out. She also took her turn icing my body. Her hand replaced Edwards. Her other hand stroked my hair. I ate my scones quickly so I could cuddle with Esme. She may be my lover but she was a great source of comfort when I needed it. It sounds so weird but she is like a mother to me. I took a small nap laying with Esme. Normally I would feel bad to fall asleep on them in the middle of the day but I now knew they loved it and Esme was always willing to stay with me whilst I slept.

It is now almost 2. I woke up from a nap and Esme made me a sandwhich. It was Rosalie and Emmetts turn to lay with me. I decided I wanted a shower so Rosalie ran me a bath and insisted in being with me. I was ok with it, she was gorgeous and I couldn't help ogling at her body. When it was finally time for dinner it was also Carlisle's turn to be with me. I straddled his leg as I sat at the table with my meal. It was just take-away but I loved it. When I had only a few bites left I started to grind against his leg. I wasn't all that sore anymore. Carlisle took the hint and tilted his leg so it felt better for me. His hand came to my waist while the other massaged my left breast. He seemed to favor it and I think it was because he could feel my heart beat. I let out a breathy moan.

"Come on Carlisle. You already made her super sore last night. And it feels like you are hogging her." Emmett said.

"She started it." Carlisle said still massaging my breast. I was still grinding against him.

"Emmett, you are right." I slid off Carlisle and walked over to him. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. I cupped his junk and massaged lightly. Then I stopped.

"Rosalie, are you in the mood for a little late night fun? You know just you and I?" I said it loudly enough for everyone in the house could hear me. I heard chuckles. Rosalie walked in and stood next to Emmett.

"Of course babe. You don't mind do you Em?"

"No of course not." Emmett said with a scowl on his face.

I grabbed ahold of Rosalie's hand and led her up the stairs. I brought her into my room. I had a bed in there now and it was begging to be used.

Rosalie layed me on the bed and stripped me of my clothes. She then gave me a little show of removing her clothes. Her body was absolutely amazing. I would be jealous if I didn't know that her body was mine for the taking. Once we were both naked she layed beside me. We started with light kissing before she moved lower. She took my nipple into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it until it was hard. She then did the same to the other side. She kissed my navel and my hip bones. Her fingers slide up my slit. I was already wet from grinding against Carlisle. She popped a soaked finger into her mouth.

"Honeysuckle and Lavender." She breathed.

She lowered her mouth to my clit and sucked lightly. I moaned and moaned until she made me cum. She came back up and kissed me deeply. Her fingers entered me. I placed my finger onto her clit and started to work her as she worked me. I followed her moves. Once she realized I was copying her she changed her moves to show me what she liked. It felt amazing. We came together with loud moans. After our little session I was exhausted. Rosalie helped me get dressed before she dressed herself. I curled under my covers and smiled.

"Sleep with me tonight Rose." She joined me in bed and I slept soundly that night.

Over the next few weeks the Cullens prepared Stef for school and the outside world. They took her on all outings. They all worked together to make sure she was up to date with her education. Carlisle gave her routine checkups to make sure she was getting healthier.
Jasper took over history. Bella took English. Edward took Science. Everything else was worked on together. In just a few short weeks Stef was completely caught up. When it was time for the kids to be registered for school Esme called the school up.

"Hello, my name is Esme Cullen. I need to register my 8 children."

"8. That is a lot of kids, you and your husband must've been busy."

"Actually they are all adopted. My husband and I can't have children. I called because I have some concerns.  Our newest addition has had some past trauma and I was hoping you would be able to accommodate for that."

"How would we need to accommodate him?"

"Her, she needs to have a her classes with siblings. And she needs to be able to leave her class with a sibling if necessary. She is prone to panic attacks and her siblings really help."

"We can't do that."

"Yes you can. My husband is a doctor. Her doctor, and it is necessary to her health to have these accommodations. Now if our requests are granted I would be happy to donate a large sum of money to the school each quarter."

"Once you come in to register the kids we can discuss the accommodations with the principal and your husband."

"That would be nice. I will see you then." Esme hung up the phone and let out a sigh.

"Humans, money can always bribe them."

"Yes dear. But as long as Stef is comfortable and safe I am willing to pay any sum of money." Carlisle said coming up behind her.

"We will have to talk with them. Let's bring all the kids. That should intimidate them."

"Especially the boys, and Rose."

They both chuckled and then headed to tuck Stef into bed.

*sorry for how long the update took. I have been dealing with some health issues but I will continue to try to write more often.*

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