Chapter 11

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I heard my little mate's heart beat get closer than I heard her knock on the door of my study. I was only working on some paperwork.

"Come in Stef," I called loud enough for her to hear. She walked in and shut the door. She walked up to my desk. I smiled at her.

"Yes dear." I rolled out from behind my desk to give her my full attention. She came over on my lap and straddled me. She cuddled into me similar to that of a small child.

"I love you Carlisle." My smile was so wide I'm sure my face would hurt if I was human.

"I love you too," I said and kissed her head. She was still wearing my shirt and I loved it on her. I wish I could mark her as my mate so my scent would always be with her. She lifted her head off of my chest and pressed her lips to mine. God she tasted so sweet. Like honeysuckle and lavender. I slid my hands to her hips. She was still skinny but she had womanly curves. Her hand went to my face and the other hand intertwined with my hair. She pulled away. I knew she needed to breath but I didn't want the connection to end. I placed my forehead against hers.

"I want to do it with you first. I want to do it. Not now but soon." I knew exactly what she was talking about but I needed to hear the words so I decided to pretend not to know.

"Do what?" I asked innocently.  She slowly gyrated her hips which pressed our groins together. I could feel my erection starting to strain against my pants.

"This with a little less clothing of course." She whispered in my ear. Her hot breath tickled but it felt oh so good. The smell of her arousal combined with the slow grinding motion resulted in a small moan escaping my lips. As soon as the moan left she stopped. My erection was so hard it hurt.

"That is just cruel." I told her.

"What ever did I do?" She asked feigning innocent then she jumped up and ran out the room. I got up and ran after her. I could have easily caught her but it was thrilling to chase her. She ran down the hallway and down the stairs. I let out a playful growl. She was in the kitchen. I sped up to inhumane speed and scooped her up. She squealed and I growled again.

"Seems like you have a situation mister." Esme said. She was talking about the very noticeable and large bulge I had in my pants. I suddenly felt embarrassed that my wife had caught me with an erection with our mate.

"I did it. I couldn't resist, teasing him is just so easy." Stef giggled.

"He is quite easy to mess with." Esme agreed. She then reached forward and squeezed my member. I had to stifle a moan.

"Ganging up on me doesn't seem very fair or nice." I said while wagging a finger.

"Tonight's our last night in the house. Tomorrow night we will be on the road. Everybody else is out hunting." Esme informed Stef.

"You know, I think I am ready for bed. Would you guys mind taking me up."

"No problem little one." I situated her in my arms and walked up to her room with Esme behind me.

"No, I would like to spend the night in your room." She said. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked to Esme and I's room instead. I laid her down on our bed gently.

"Carlisle lay with me." I laid down on the bed and then she laid ontop of me. She was straddling my waist.

"You know, it would be a shame if I left this house without experiencing pleasure. As my mate it is your job to assure I receive that pleasure." The scent of her arousal hit me like a wave. She wanted me to have sex with her. She kissed me roughly. My hands automatically went to her hips. Her hands were roaming my torso. I was wearing a button up shirt and she started to unbutton it.

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