Chapter 5

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Stef was just getting over her flu and she was excited to get to know her mates. It still was shocking that she was mated to eight vampires. They called themselves vegetarians and that eased her mind. They didn't drink the blood of humans so she didn't need to be worried about them draining her blood.  Today she would be spending time with each of the newer vampires. Edward,Bella they were mated. Emmett and Rosalie, they were mated. And Alice and Jasper they were mated as well. 


To say I was shocked when I discovered this little human was my mate was an understatement. I was already the mate of someone who I had found when they were a human. I didn't want to hurt her. I had hurt Bella when I accidentally impregnated her when she was still human but that had resulted in our daughter Renesmee. Today was mine and Bella's day to spend time with her so we could learn more about each other. I would be going first, then Bella and after their time together we would spend some time as a trio. 

"Hello," I knocked on Stef's door. She opened it and greeted me wearing a simple dark blue dress with black leggings underneath. She was simply stunning. I was wearing a dark blue button up and black pants. No doubt in my mind that Bella and Alice had worked together so that we were matching.

"You look absolutely stunning," I complimented her.

"You aren't to shabby yourself." I loved her voice, it was soft and melodic. But it also showed how human she was. No human would be able to detect the subtle cracks in her voice but my inhuman hearing could detect it. 

"So, I decide that we could have breakfast together and spend until lunch talking. Bella would take you to lunch and spend the time with you until dinner then we can all eat dinner together and talk into the night."

"Sounds good to me. But  you don't have to eat with me. I know that my human tendencies can be annoying."

"Stefanie, I do not mind making sure that you take care of yourself and your human tendencies. I used to watch Bella go through her routine when she was human and I enjoyed it." Stef gave me a little smile and then looped her arm around mine. 

"So,first things first, breakfast for the human. After you are done eating we are taking a walk in the park. And I want to tell me if you get tired at all. Carlisle said that your body is still healing and needs to rest."

"I'll make sure to tell you if I need to rest. Now can I go eat, I'm kind of hungry. I haven't eaten anything other than soup and crackers for the few days."

"Yes, we can. Esme made you french toast and eggs." She ate breakfast and I asked her yes or no questions that she could just nod her head at. Once we were away from Bella I would be able to just read her mind and figure out what she was thinking. Not to long after she had finished, I quickly washed her dishes much to her protests. I then walked her out to my Volvo. We exchanged questions on our way to the park. Once there I speed walked to her side to open the door for her. 

"Ever the gentleman Mr. Cullen." She giggled.

"Please, Mr. Cullen is my father. Call me Edward."

"I know your father very well Eddie."

"Oh not that dreaded nickname."

"Well I like it so suck it up Eddie boy." I groaned but she amused me. We walked the trails through the park occasionally stopping for her to rest. We asked each other so many questions. It reminded me of when Bella and I got to know each other. Before I knew it it was time to bring her back home so she could spend time with Bella. I was almost jealous that Bella would be spending time with her. Than I realized I hadn't heard her thoughts all morning. I was so intrigued with her answers that I hadn't noticed I wasn't able to read her mind. 

"Hmm, that is very odd."

"What is Eddie?"

"I can't read your mind."


What about now?

" I heard that."

"Well did you hear what I just thought now?"

"No," I was very intrigued now.

"Well that is good for me. It seems that if I don't direct my thoughts to you, you can't hear them. 

"Can we not tell anybody else about this, not now at least. I want to try some things before they know that I can't read your mind. Alice is already peeved that she can't see the future regarding you." 

"I'm fine with that." We were now at the car. I opened her door for her then went over to my side. We drove in silence until we were back at the house.

See you later Eddie boy, your secret is safe with me.  I smiled at her thoughts. Bella met us at the door and looped her arm with Stef's. 

"Ready for lunch? I'm taking you to the little diner in town." Stef nodded her head and then they left. 


Edward and Stef has just gotten back which means it was my turn with my new mate. I wanted to take her to lunch at a diner and just spend our time talking. 

"Ready for lunch? I'm taking you to the little diner in town." Stef gave me a simple nod and then we left. She was so beautiful and we were matching, courtesy of Alice.  We got in the car and then we drove to the diner. 

"What can I get you two?" The waiter asked once we had sat down. I noticed he was staring at me and it reminded me of Edward and I's first meal out. 

"Stef, what would you like to eat?"

"Could I get a burger and fries, and a coke?"

"Just a  burger and fries, and two cokes." I told the waiter with a smile. He brought out our drinks first. Stef drank her coke rather quickly so I switched our glasses. Then he brought out her food and she started eating. I decided to take a page out of Edward's book and I started with asking her yes or no questions first. When she was done with her food, I paid and we left. We walked around the little shops in town and just talked. She was such an amazing girl. I told her about mine and Edward's relationship and I knew how it felt to be a human amidst a large coven of vampires. She told me how she was used to being around vampires. Before I knew it, it was time to head back home.  Once at home Edward and I sat with her while she ate dinner. Then we watched a movie in the family room. 

"Time for bed little human."

"Will you guys stay with me? At least until I fall asleep, I still have nightmares and I don't like to be alone."

"Of course we will stay with you. I remember when I was human, Edward would stay with me all night and then leave in the early morning to change his clothes." Edward carried her upstairs. I helped her change into her pajamas, which were just a pair of shorts she stole from Alice and one of Carlisles sweaters. She climbed in bed and Edward laid down beside her. She rested her head on his chest and then patted the other side of her. I smiled wide and curled up against her. She was already wrapped tight in a blanket so that our body temperature didn't affect her too much. She talked in her sleep but it put my mind at ease that she wasn't having any nightmares. 

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