Chapter 7

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After Carlisle called the family meeting they all gathered in the family room. Stef and Esme were the last to join. Stef carried a mug of hot chamomile tea in her hands. Jasper sat on one side of Stef to help her emotions and Esme sat on her other side. Everybody else was standing. 

"I have decided we are moving."

"What, you can move just because of my stupid issues." Stef was panicking. Jasper got a concentrated look on his face, then he placed his hand on Stef's shoulder. Stef was on the verge of a panic attack, today's events were to much for her. 

"Jasper, calm her down now." Carlisle used his leader voice to let them know it was a demand. 

"I'm trying, I can't seem to make it work. "

"Somebody do something, her heart rate is too fast and she is going to hyperventilate." Esme was really concerned. Everybody else was too but that just sat there frozen not sure what to do. 

"Do it." Edward said.

"Do what?" Esme asked, she was extremely concerned. 

"Jasper had an idea, it might just work. Do it Jasper, do it now." Jasper took his shirt off and then pulled Stef into his arms. He covered her small body with his own and started to whisper in her ear. They could all hear that he was talking to her about his adventures. 

"Why did he take his shirt off?" Rosalie asked with a disgusted look on her face but also a hit of jealousy. 

"Skin-to-skin contact. Humans use it for young children to calm their emotions when they can't calm themselves." Carlisle said with awe. 

"Jasper heard about it in his psychology course. It has been known to be effective when someone is having a panic attack. To know and feel that someone cares and wants to keep you safe." Edward told everybody. After awhile Stef had calmed down. Jasper swiftly put his shirt back on but when he went to put her on the couch she clung to him. He stopped trying and let her cuddle into him. 

"Stef, we planned on moving in a few months anyway. We can move it up a little."

"I don't want you guys to feel pressured to do anything because of me."

"We were going to do it anyway. We will move in 1 week. The house will be ready by then and we can move in." Carlisle continued. 

"Where are we moving."

"We are going back to Forks, Washington."

"Yay, Spoons." Emmett said sarcastically. 

"Hey, you watch your mouth mister. Forks holds a lot of dear memories for me." Bella scolded.

"Isn't Forks a small town?" 

"Yes it is sweetheart but small towns are easier for us. Especially where the sun doesn't shine directly too often. Forks is a perfect place for that and we haven't been there in a century." Bella told her."

They all discussed the move well into the night. Stef was falling asleep on Jasper. 

"I'll take the human up to bed." Jasper moved her a little so he could stand up without waking her then he walked to her bedroom slowly, at least slowly for him. When he tried to set her down she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and held on for dear life.

"Please don't leave me Jaz." When he heard those words he sighed but climbed into the bed with her anyways. This whole not sleeping alone thing was becoming a habit but nobody was complaining about the extra time with her. 

Downstairs some of the family was snickering about the fact how Jasper had been roped into her bed. Most of the family knew what that was like. Carlisle and Esme slept with her quite often. Edward and Bella had also slept with her. Alice and Rosalie had also laid with her for a few hours when she was sick. Emmett was the only one she hadn't had sleep with her yet. He couldn't lie and say he wasn't disappointed. But he understood he was a man, a big burly man at that. 

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