Chapter 17

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Once Stef's school picture was taken she hopped of the stool and walked to the side. Her and Carlisle sat to the side while the rest of the Cullen "kids" got their pictures done.
"You my dear are just wonderful"
"No, I am not Carlisle. I couldn't even handle getting my picture taken."
"You did just fine."
"Carlisle, I am 17 years old and I had to hold your hand. It's pathetic."
"Stefanie Marie it is not pathetic. You were traumatized beyond belief for years. If I have to hold your hand all day long with no break I will. Because I love you Stef, we all do. And we will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable and to help you adjust. If you never adjust that is just fine too."
"You Carlisle Cullen are too sweet." Carlisle leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"You won't think I am that sweet when the family shows their love and you are so utterly helpless from exhaustion." Carlisle swiftly straightened out when the rest of the clan came towards them.   
"You are insatiable Mr. Cullen."
"And you love it."
"Nope, I just love you."
"Okay guys, stop being sappy. We gotta get this little one enrolled." Emmett said coming up behind them.
"Hey, I'm not little you are just freakishly tall and large."
"You are tiny even compared to normal humans."
"Rude," Stef mumbled under her breath, knowing her family could easily hear her.
"Okay kids, we are going straight to the office for enrollment. We have to bribe some humans."
"Esme, people, they are people. At least try to call them people, all of you, whilst we are in public."
"Greedy, dirty people." Rosalie commented. The whole family bypassed the line and headed straight into the office.
"Hello I am Esme and this is my husband Carlisle Cullen, these are our children. We were told to come straight to the office for special arrangements."
"Ah, yes the Cullen family with the disabled girl." The whole family had to bite back their growls.
"My daughter is not disabled. All of our children have some form of trauma in their backgrounds. Stefanie here is just the newest. I do not appreciate you saying that a traumatic past is a disability." Carlisle stated as calmly as he could.
"We would like to see the principal now if you could do that. We are a very busy family." Esme had that mama bear look on her face that tells people not to fuck with her or her family.

Edward, look at me if you can hear me.   Edward looked in her direction briefly.
Good, now I haven't been around normal humans in a while but what the hell is wrong with people. Edwards shoulders shrugged ever so slightly.
I wish I could just stay home forever. I could be like a housewife or something. Just shackle me to the wall, and lock me up. Edwards shoulders were just noticeably shaking with laughter and the receptionist shot him daggers which only made him laugh harder.
Jeez what the hell is her problem. Maybe Daddy Carlisle will yell at her too. Do you think if I let my eyes tear up he'll get pissed and take me home early?  Edward shifted closer to Stef so he could whisper in her ear.
"I'm sure you would get bored out of your mind if you were a housewife. The shackling sounds promising though. I also have no clue what is wrong with people, but for that specific one. Well, she seems to think she rules the school and she's heard way to many rumors about us. And she thought I was laughing at her being berated by daddy dearest."
Ah, so normal human issues.
"I guess. I quite enjoy blocking out people's thoughts through Bella. So, unfortunately I am not exactly sure."

"The principal can see you now, she is right through that door." Everyone headed towards the door that was indicated.   
Gross, new people. Wonder if they'll actually have to the bribe the principal or if we can get her to take sympathy before the paycheck.
"I don't know, lets try it. Guys we should get the principle to agree to our arrangements before we bribe her."
"Good idea Eddie."
"Don't call me Eddie, Emmett. And it wasn't my idea it was Stef's, use context clues you hopeless oaf."
"Play nice boys," Stef warned them.
The Cullens were greeted by the school's principal.
"Now to get down to business, what are your requests?"
"We request that are daughter Stef has every class with at least one of her siblings present. Truthfully we would prefer that all of our kids have a buddy in class."
"I don't think that we can do that."
"The request my wife mentioned pertains to the rest of our children and if there is more than one sibling. Our daughter will have the one at least. Unless you would prefer us to enroll our children elsewhere."
"Uh, no sir. I'm sure we can arrange.  Stef, why don't you tell me about yourself." Stef shoved herself against Rosalie, who in turn glared daggers at the principal. Leaving her to gulp.
"My sister prefers to be called Stefanie by strangers." Edward said, she was really milking this.
"Oh well I don't think Stef and I are strangers." It was Rose's turn to speak now.
"Ma'am, Stef doesn't know you and you are clearly making her uncomfortable. Please refrain from being carelessly friendly." Woo, go Rose. You tell her.
"Um, hi. My name is Stefanie, I'm 17. And this is my family. I would really like it if you would be nice and let me stay with my siblings. I  have really bad PTSD and I sometimes need extra support that only my family can provide. After the murder, and the kidnapping and the rapes I only feel safe with those who are close to me emotionally." Well that certainly tugged at the principal's heartstrings.
"Don't be too shocked it Stef isn't the only one who struggles. All of our children were adopted and they all have some form of an absolutely horrific background." Esme looked at Carlisle so he would pick up where she left off.
"As the principal we will disclose some of the information to you. Jasper went to a military school where they beat him everyday into submission, Alice was wrongly placed into a mental institution for being a little eccentric. Rosalie was emotionally abused by her biological family until she was raped by the man she was promised to, Emmett was responsible for his family after his father left  and then his mother and siblings died in a house fire he barely survived himself. Edward's Bio father was abusive and his mother died of cancer. Bella almost died from a crazy addict and had many family problems which caused her to be severely depressed. You see we specifically take the children who have harder lives and then we make them as happy as we can."
"Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, I'll make sure each of your children have a buddy in every class. They'll be very happy here." Everybody said their goodbyes and finished registration.
"Well we succeeded Eddie"
"That we did lil Stef."
"I'm still not little, I'm just fun sized."
"Well if you are fun sized lets go have some fun." Carlisle said with a cheeky grin.

Stef had some better hopes for school. Dare she say she was excited. It was a new experience and she would have her family by her side for  every step of the way. She had a smile on her face the entire way home. Just listening to the bickering in the car from her mates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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