1. The First Meeting

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A.N. Hey!!! New fanfic alert. I've got a lot of ideas for this story, so I hope you really enjoy it.

Let me know what you think to it?

Thank you in advance!

"Wait! Hold up," The young Prince of England, Joseph Sugg, stares at his parents in disbelief. "You're telling me I'm set to marry?" He finishes his sentence.

Prince Joe had a duty to his country. He was set to become King in around a year's time, when his parents retire from the throne. But in order for him to become King, he had to marry. He wasn't allowed to marry anyone though, they had to be a royal. Someone his parents set up. He was not allowed to choose his bride.

"Yes Joseph. There are four potential wives for you to meet. Then after you'll pick the one you want to marry, and get to know them before the wedding next year. They are set to arrive in two weeks." His Dad, King Graham, replies.

Joe knew it was coming, the moment his parents would set him up. He just didn't expect it to be so soon.

The young Prince felt like his world had come crashing down. He was twenty three, and nowhere near ready to marry. But he had no choice in the matter. He had to do this.

Without saying another word, Joe nodded his head and walked away.

''Well if I have two weeks left of potentially being single, I may as well make the most of it.'' He talks to himself.

Getting his phone out, he finds his best friend, also a royal, Jamie's number, and sends him a text.

Yoo bud! 'Rents have said I've got two weeks till my potential bride arrives. D'ya fancy a lads holiday before I get tied down?

Joe and Jamie never spoke like royals over the phone, via text or in person. They were only ever like that when they had duties to do.

About five minutes later, his phone buzzed.

Man, that sucks. Two weeks? I've not even met mine yet. But yeah, I fancy a lads holiday. Book it, and I'll send ya my half of the cash over.

Jamie too was English, but lived in Scotland with his parents, who were King and Queen of Scotland. They met at a Royal banquet and became best friends immediately.

Joe didn't think he could get through all this without his best friend. He was so thankful for Jamie. Especially with him being a Prince too, he knew what it was like.

Logging onto his laptop, he looks at his private airline to see what they had available.

''Hmmm, Ibiza?'' He thinks to himself, this could work.

Booking the flight and accommodation, he was off to Ibiza in a few days for two weeks.

A few days later

Arriving in Ibiza, they arrive outside their villas they had hired for two weeks.

Joe's looked like this:

Joe's looked like this:

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