11. Kidnapped

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''DOTTY, JOE! WAKE UP. COME HERE QUICK.'' The yell of Rina's voice makes both Joe and Dianne shot up out of bed.

''Mum?'' A panicked Dianne asks, running in with Joe. ''What's the matter?''

''T-Teddy is gone.'' She stutters.

''What?'' Her heart shattered. ''What do you mean he's gone?''

''I'm saying. I think he's been kidnapped.'' She replies trying to stay calm, but inside she is panicking.

''Oh my God.'' She runs a finger through her hair, pacing the room.

''Do you have any idea who could have taken him?''

''Spencer.'' Dianne growls.

''That bastard.'' Joe grits his teeth.

''We need to get him back. Get dressed, we're getting our son back.''

- - - -


''No-one's home.''

''Haha funny,'' She rolls her eyes. ''OPEN THE DAMN DOOR.''

''Mummy, Daddy!'' Teddy cries.

''Shut up, brat.''

''HEY! Don't talk to my son like that. Spencer I'm not messing around, open this door now and I won't take it any further.'' She lies. She had already phoned the police on the way.

Now normally, they wouldn't do anything as they'd class it as a father bonding with his son. But not only did he take him without permission, classing it as kidnapping, he was also a criminal. Something Dianne didn't know about. He'd killed his ex girlfriend and her daughter.

The police were stood outside as she spoke trying to coax him to open the door. As soon as he opens it, they'd arrest him.

With a click of the lock, the door opens. Joe grabs Teddy, as he cries into his arms, and the police place handcuffs on Spencer.

''You bitch, you lied.'' He spits.

''Damn right I did.'' She rolls her eyes.

''It's OK buddy. We're here. You're safe,'' Joe rocks Teddy back and forth, calming him down. ''The mean man isn't coming near you again.''

''Thank you for helping.'' Dianne smiles at the officers.

''Just doing our job. Is he OK?''

''A bit shook up, but he's fine.'' Joe smiles.

''Good, our job is done. Take little man home.''

''Thanks again,'' She smiles. ''Shall we go out for breakfast, Ted?''

He nods, still gripping onto Joe.

''Come on then.''

- - - -

It was a few days later, and Dianne wanted to leave Australia earlier than planned. She didn't want to stick around. She knew that if she stayed, she'd be constantly on edge thinking he'd be out to get her or her son again.

So here they were, packing as much as they could into two of Dianne's suitcases ready for her permanent move.

Joe had informed his parents of the plan and about Theodore. And of course they were shocked, but also excited to meet him.

He wanted to talk to them about something before they flew home.

''I'll be one second, Dot. I just need to ring my parents.''

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