2. He's A Prince?

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''Oh my God,'' Dianne's friend, Louise, squeals when she walks back over. ''Do you have any idea who that was?''

''No? Should I?'' She questions, confused.

''That is Joseph Sugg. Prince of England.'' Replies Louise.

''Seriously? I was talking to a Prince?'' Dianne was shocked.

''Yes,'' Louise replies, before looking in their direction. ''And the guy next to him is his best friend, hot best friend may I add, also a Prince, Prince Jamie Muscato of Scotland.'' Louise blushed.

''Do you have a crush on the Prince of Scotland?'' Smirks Dianne.

''Maybe a little.'' She giggles.

''Well go and talk to him.'' She smiles.

''No I can't. Besides-'' She pauses at the sound of Dianne's phone buzzing.

Hi Dianne, its Joe here. I hope this isn't too forward, but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tomorrow evening?

''Perfect.'' Dianne smirks.

''What?'' Replies Louise.

''Joe has asked me out on a date,'' She squeals. ''I was thinking we could double date with you and Jamie?'' (FYI Louise is Jamie's real life girlfriend.)

''Oh Di, I don't know.'' Louise goes all shy.

''Go on, it'll be fun.'' She smiles.

''What if Jamie doesn't think I'm pretty?''

''Lou, you are beautiful,'' Dianne reassures one of her best friends. ''He'd be an idiot to not fancy you.'' She smiles.

''OK, ask him.'' She smiles shyly.

Nodding, she types out a reply.

Hi Joe, I'd love that date. I was wondering. My friend Louise fancies your friend, Jamie, I think he's called, so I was wondering if we could double date? xx

Clicking send, she waits for his reply.

Around five minutes later, her phone buzzes again.

Jamie is asking what she looks like, as he thinks he saw her at the bar but he's not sure. Could you possibly send a picture. He fancies the girl at the bar, that's all. xx

Laughing at Joe's awkward text, she finds a picture of Louise, and sends it to Joe.

Laughing at Joe's awkward text, she finds a picture of Louise, and sends it to Joe

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Yeah that's the girl. Sure, Jamie and I will happily double date. Shall we pick you both up at 7PM tomorrow? xx

Louise, grinning, nods at Dianne.

7PM is perfect, I'll text you our hotel number tomorrow morning. Goodnight, Joe. xx

She replies, smiling.

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