6. Telling The Truth

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''Joseph Sugg, care to explain?''

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Lies Joe.
"Don't play dumb, Joseph. Who is she?" Roars Graham.
"I'm not playing dumb. I have no idea what you're talking about." Again he lies.
"Who. Is. The. Girl?" His Dad makes sure to say every word slowly.

Joe sighs. "Fine, I'll tell you. She's my girlfriend."
"Your girlfriend?" Gasps his Mum.
"Yes. My girlfriend. Problem?" Asks Joe with attitude.
"You know there is. Unless she's a Royal?" Replies Tracey.
"Truth?" They nod. "No she isn't. She's a business woman. She's Australian."
"You're seeing a Pauper?" Spits Tracey.
"Don't call her that." Growls Joe.
"It's what she is.." Replies Graham.
"Just because she isn't a Royal, does not mean she's a Pauper. She happens to have a good income. She owns her own business and co-owns her house. Yes, she's not a Royal and to be honest, that's why I like her so much. She likes me for me. Mum, Dad, I really like her and I want you to get to know her. Please? She's amazing. If you love me, then you'll do this for me."
"NO," Yells Tracey. "End it with her now or I'll make her life a living hell."

Joe can feel the tears prick his eyes. Graham looks into his sons eyes. "Trace," He sighs. "Look at your son. Look at him. Really look at him. Can't you see the sadness in his eyes? Tracey, his face lit up when he spoke about her. I've never seen Joseph so happy. Yes, she may not be a Royal, but she makes our Joe happy. Isn't his happiness more important than anything else?"
Tracey now fully looks at Joe, seeing his eyes mixed with sadness but also happiness.

She sighs. "Let's see a picture of her."
A smiling Joe gets his phone out, and finds his favourite picture of her.


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"Well..." Starts Tracey. "She's beautiful." She smiles.
"Yes she is." Gushes Joe.
"OK. Fly her over to England. Let's meet your girlfriend." Smiles Tracey.
"Really? I can carry on seeing her?" An excited Joe asks.
"Yes. Your Dad's right, your happiness is the most important thing to me." Admits Tracey, smiling.
"Thank you. You're going to love her, I promise." Gushes Joe.
"We'll be the judge of that."
"Tracey!" Warns Graham.
"I'm just saying."
"Well don't." Scowls Joe, leaving the room.

- - - -

"They want to meet me?" A shocked Dianne asks.
"Yes. Surprisingly my Dad managed to convince my Mum that my happiness is more important than marrying for a title. So, what do you say? Wanna meet the King and Queen of England?" Asks Joe.
"Wow. I don't know what to say. I'm in shock to be honest. OK, I guess I'm coming to London." Replies Dianne.
"Great. I'll book your flight. First class. No expenses paid. No arguing, alright. You're worth it." Grins Joe, seeing a blushing Dianne.
"You're the best. Thank you. Can I bring Louise? So she can surprise Jamie? His parents were surprisingly OK with her not being a Royal. I just got off the phone with her." Joe chuckles at Dianne rambling.
"Take a breath, Dot," Chuckles Joe. "I'll book one for Louise too, I won't tell Jamie."
"Thank you. I'll let her know. I need to go Joey, it's late over here, I need my beauty sleep." Giggles Dianne.
"You don't need any beauty sleep. But I'll let you get some sleep. Text me when you wake up and I'll see you in a few days." Smiles Joe.
"See you in a couple of days." Smiles Dianne.
"Goodnight, Dot."
"Goodnight, Joey." They speak at the same time, causing them to laugh. With a few blow of kisses, they hang up.

A Few Days Later

"Oh my God, Louise. I'm meeting the Royal family. Oh my shit." The realisation of it suddenly hitting Dianne.
The passengers in the airport looking at her like she was a mad woman.
"Di, calm down. I know it's scary, but you'll have Joe there with you. Try and relax, and think about seeing Joe." Louise reassures and calms her friend down.

The sound of his name, made Dianne's face light up like a firework. She had missed him. Like crazy.
"You're right. I get to see Joe, that's exciting," Replies Dianne. "And you get to see Jamie."
"I know. Are you sure he doesn't know?"
"Great. I can't wait to see his face." Louise blushes.
"Come on," Giggles Dianne. "We've got a plane to catch."

- - - -

"Mate, why do I need to come to the airport with you?" A confused Jamie asks.
Jamie was on Royal business in London when Joe asked him if he'd come to the airport to pick Dianne up. But of course he didn't need Jamie for that, he was simply there for his surprise of seeing Louise again.
"You're my protection." Smirks Joe.
"From what?"
"The press."
"Can't you handle them on your own?" Jokes Jamie.
"I can, but you're older than me, means you've got more experience with them than me. You've dealt with it longer than I have. You're probably wiser in that area."
"Are you saying I'm wiser than you?" Laughs Jamie, jokingly.
"No, I'm saying your older than me, therefore you have more experience. I'm not saying you're wiser than me." Jokes Joe.
"Cheeky." Jamie slaps Joe playfully.
"Come on, she's waitingggggg." Sings Joe, excitedly.
Jamie rolls his eyes playfully, laughing as his friend skips to the airport terminal.

- - - -

"I see her!" Joe had a sudden spring in his step, seeing his Aussie redhead walking in his direction.

"Calm down, mat-Louise?!" Jamie's eyes go wide, seeing his girlfriend stood behind Dianne.

With the biggest smile and almost knocking Joe over, he runs to her. As they reunite, Joe sees Dianne drop her bags, as she runs to him. Wrapping her legs around him. "Oh my God, I've missed you." He mumbles into her hair. Putting her down, he places a soft but passionate kiss on her lips, as they both smile into it.
Pulling away, Dianne replies. "I've missed you, too. My God, you smell amazing." She clings onto his jumper, taking in his scent.
"Come on my little Koala, are you ready to meet my parents?" He intertwines their fingers, as they make their way to the car park.
Taking a deep breath, she replies. "Yes I think so," She smiles. "Let's go meet your parents."

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