18. Time And Space

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I'm sorry I'm writing this, but I need some space,
Seems as Teddy can't come home any time soon, I'm going back to Australia for a few weeks,
I know I know I'm a terrible Mum, and he deserves better. You both do. But I'm a mess right now Joe and I need some time to think and breathe on my own,
Please don't come after me, Teddy needs at least one of us there,
Call me if anything happens,
I love you both so so much, and I'm sorry but I need to do this,
All my love,
Dotty xxx

Joe woke up to a hand written letter, and an empty side of the bed.
He sighs, a stray tear rolling down his cheek. He was lost without his Dotty, his soulmate, the love of his life and his better half. He didn't think he could do this on his own. How could he visit his very poorly son on his own? Teddy would no doubt ask where his Mummy is, what would Joe tell him then?
"Joe, mate, are you up?" Jamie calls, knocking on his door.
"Yeah, just a second." Putting on his jogging bottoms he goes to answer the door.
"Morning bro, how are ya?"
"I've been better. I woke up to a note though, Dianne's gone back to Australia for a few weeks to clear her mind. She left without telling me." He sighs.
"Mate I'm sorry. But a bit of space may be what you need. It may do you both good. Give you time to get your heads around it."
"And we can't do that together?" He asks.
"Well maybe. But Dianne clearly needs some alone time with her family. So i think you should let her be, she'll come back when she's ready. Send her a nice long text letting her know you're thinking of her and leave her be for a while. Lou and I are here, your family are here, so you're not alone Joe." Jamie smiles.
"I guess you're right. Thanks, J, your a great friend." He smiles.

Getting his phone out, he sends her a sort but sweet message.

Take all the time you need, Dot. I'll be right here when you get back. Teddy and I love you so much gorgeous. Stay safe and if and when your ready to talk, I'm just a phone call away. Love you lots and lots, gorgeous.
Your Joey xxx

''Want me to come with you to the hospital?'' Jamie offers.

''Yes please, I'd love the company.'' Joe replies appreciatively.

''Sure. Lou is at work, so shall we get breakfast first then head out?''

''Yeah, I'll buy. My treat.'' He smiles.

''Are you sure?'' 

''Of course, you've done so much for not just me, but Di and Teddy. So it's my way of thanking you.'' He smiles.

''As I said Joe, it's what friends do, you'd do the same. But if you're sure, then thank you.'' He smiles.

''You're right, I would do the same thing. And yes I am sure. Come on, breakfast awaits.'' He smiles.

- - - -

After breakfast they pull up outside the hospital as Jamie parks the car, both their Royal passes in hand.

They walk to Teddy's ward. ''I'll be outside if you need me, mate.'' Smiles Jamie.

''Come in with me, mate. Teddy would love to see his uncle J.'' He replies, smiling weakly.

''OK, I'll come in with you.'' 

He nods appreciatively as they walk in. ''Hey buddy.'' Joe bends down, kissing his forehead, before sitting down on the chair next to his bed. 

''Daddy.'' He smiles bleakly.

''Look who I've brought with me.'' He smiles.

''Hey buddy.'' Jamie smiles.

''Uncle J!'' He grins.

''Hey, mate. I bought a present.'' He smiles, passing him the dinosaur toy.

''Thank 'oo, uncle J.'' He thanks his uncle.

''My pleasure, buddy.'' He smiles pulling up a chair.

''Where Mummy?''

Joe sighs. He didn't know how to answer it. ''She's gone to visit Nanna and Papa for a couple of weeks.''

''Why? Does she not love me?'' 

''Oh gosh no, buddy. Mummy loves you very very much. She just misses her Mummy and Daddy.'' Jamie chimes in, helping Joe out.

''Is it cos I sickie too?'' 

Sighing, Joe replies. ''A little bit yes.'' He didn't want to say too much to confuse his little brain.

''Does she not love you, daddy? Why did you no fly wiv her?''

''Buddy, Mummy and Daddy love each other very much. But one of us need to stay with you little man. Remember how Daddy is part of the Royal Family?''

''Yeah you a pwince.'' He giggles.

''That's right. But I'm going to be a big King one day, and you'll be a Prince one day too. So because I'm part of that family, I have a lot of big and important jobs to do. So I need to stay here, so that's why Mummy went and I stayed.''

''Mummy be Queen?'' 

''That's right, she will.'' He smiles. He was very smart for a five year old.

He just nods. ''Where auntie LouLou?'' 

''She's at work, bud.'' Jamie replies.

''You look tired little man, why don't you get some more sleep before Nurse Grace comes with your brekkie?''

''OK Daddy, I sweep now.'' He yawns, snuggling his head on Joe's shoulder, his light snores could be heard.

Carefully, he removes his head from his shoulder, and places a kiss on his forehead. ''Goodnight little man, I'll be back later.'' He whispers.

He sighs, standing up and walking back out with Jamie.

He was struggling without his Dot.

He didn't think he could cope with this news anymore on his own, whilst Dianne was in Oz.

But things were about to change.

A.N. Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the others, this is more of a filler chapter.

Next chapter is a surprise one that I'm hoping you'll enjoy, and I'd love it if you could read the AN at the end of that chapter.

Trust me, it WILL end happy. I'm not that evil!

Anyway, I'll stop rambling. See you in the next one :)
P.S. I wanted to show more of Joe and Jamie's friendship and thought this chapter would be the perfect part to do so 😊

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