4. Hitting The Jackpot

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Joe woke up the next morning with a smile on his face, as he was snuggled next to his Aussie redhead. But then he realised that it was their last day in Ibiza, and Dianne would be flying back home, where they'd start their long distance relationship.

He knew that today was going to be hard, as they're only just getting to know each other, and now she was heading back to the other side of the world.

But he believed in fate, and knew that this could work, and he'd do anything to make sure she was happy.

Dianne rolls over, snuggling further into Joe, as he smiles and kisses her forehead.

''Morning, m'love.'' Joe smiles, as she opens her eyes and rubs them.

''Morning.'' Smiles Dianne.

''It's our last day.'' Sighs Joe.

''I know. I don't want to think about that.'' She replies, sighing, looking down.

''Hey look at me,'' Joe lifts her chin up with his finger. ''We can make this work. I won't lie, it won't be easy, and I'll miss you loads. But we can and we will make this work. I believe we're meant to be together, it was fate that brought me to you.

I know I'm going to go home and act like I care about my future bride, and act all lovey dovey, but it's all an act. I'll make them happy, get them on my side, then I'll tell them about you.'' He smiles.

''Are you sure this can work? The long distance?''

''Yes, because last night I booked a flight to see you in a months' time.'' Grins Joe.

''Oh my gosh! Have you really?'' Dianne's grins as Joe nods. ''What are you going to tell your parents?''

''I haven't thought of that yet. I'll think of something.'' He laughs.

She giggles. ''Joe?''

''Yes, Princess?'' He smiles.

''Can I erm...'' She pauses. ''Tell my parents about us?''

''Of course you can. Just promise me they won't mention it to loads of people.'' He chuckles.

''I won't. I wasn't going to mention you were a Prince. Not straight away. I was going to tell them you own your own business, then eventually I'll tell them you're a Prince.'' She giggles.

''Sounds good,'' He chuckles. ''Oh I miss you already and you've not even left yet.'' He pouts.

''Soft.'' She giggles.

He just winks, causing her to go weak at the knees.

- - - -

A clingy Dianne and Louise both snuggle into their royal other halves (Louise and Jamie decided to give things a good, too. Jamie figuring out a way to tell his parents too. Louise was too flying back with Dianne, as they're roommates.)

A sniffly Dianne snuggles further into Joe, so he can't see her cry. ''Bubba don't cry, please.'' He pouts, lifting her chin up with his thumb, and kissing her.

Her smile was so big when they pulled away. ''I'm going to miss you.''

''I'll miss you too, bubba. But I'll see you in a month.'' Replies Joe, as the tannoy announces their flight number.

''This is us.'' Sighs Joe.

''Be safe and text me when you're home.''

''I will darling. You text me when you're home, or ring. I don't care what time it is, I need to know you're safe.'' Dianne felt her heart soar when he said that. No one had ever cared about her that much. Not like this. She felt safe with Joe. She really did.

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