16. Can I Have Your Heart Forever? (Final Day)

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The moment you've all been waiting for!


Today's the day. The day of the proposal.

He had a full day planned for the young couple. Starting with breakfast in Joe's favourite little café.

''Morning gorgeous, are you ready for breakfast?'' He smiles as his redhead comes down the stairs.
"I am. Where are we off to?" She smiles.
"My favourite little café." He replies, smiling.

''No,'' She shakes her head. ''Our favourite café.'' She smiles.

He just smiles as they head to the café and sit down in their usual, favourite spot.

Dianne orders Avocado on toast and a glass of sparkling water, Joe orders poached eggs on toast with orange juice.

After breakfast, Dianne had a surprise of her own for Joe.

She had decided to dye her hair brown. She had figured that because she is to become a Royal, she felt that her red hair was too much, and felt that brown was more subtle.

Arriving at the salon that Tracey used to go to, she heads inside. ''Hello and welcome, do you have an appointment, lovely?'' The lady smiles.

''Hello, yes I do. Appointment for Dianne Buswell.'' She smiles back.

''Ah yes, Miss. Buswell, please take a seat and I'll be with you shortly.'' The lady, whose name she had found out was Linda, replies.

''Thank you.'' Smiles Dianne, taking a seat.

- - - -

After three hours at the hair salon, and a worried text from Joe, she was finally finished.

Looking at herself in the mirror she gasps, she looked so different, but she loved it. Now she just had to show Joe.

''Joey?'' She calls walking back in to the cottage.

''In here Dot.'' He calls from the room.

Following his voice, she walks in. ''Joe I need you to close your eyes for me. I've got a surprise for you.''

''OK.'' He does as he's told as she steps closer to her.

''OK, now you can open.''

Opening his eyes, he gasps.

Opening his eyes, he gasps

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''Wow. Oh my God, Dotty. I love it.'' He smiles, running his fingers through her newly dyed hair.

''Do you really?''

''I do. It really suits you,'' He smiles. ''But what made you want to change it?''

She explains why to Joe. ''Honey that's very sweet of you. But you didn't need to do that, you know. Your red hair wasn't immature, OK? I hope no one forced you to, either.'' Joe says, hoping she wasn't forced into it.

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