14. Chippy The Campervan (Day 2)

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Hey, J, I um kind of need you and Lou to drive to Wiltshire and drive my car home. Joe chuckles down the phone to his best friend.
Why? What's happened? A confused Jamie replies.
We, um, kind of bought a campervan. He replies sheepishly.
You bought a Campervan? A surprised Jamie asks.
Yeah we were in Chippenham this morning and we saw one for sale and fell in love with it instantly. So yeah, I need my car driving back. He laughs.
Can't Di drive it back?
She's not comfortable driving my car, or used to English Country roads yet, so I don't want her feeling nervous driving home.
Yeah I guess that makes sense. We'll drive to Wiltshire. When do you want us to come?
Well, it's up to you. Whatever is best for you and Lou. But we're getting it tomorrow so if you want to come down for it tonight, we have a spare room in the cottage. Dianne replies, unaware of Joe's plans, of course.
We'll head over early hours of tomorrow so we're not ruining your trip then we can make a head back. Jamie replies, not wanting to ruin Joe's plans.
A grateful Joe, replies. Thanks, J, you're a life saver. I'll text you when we've picked it up and we can go from there.

After a few more chit chats on the phone the Royal Prince's hang up.
"Can you believe we've gone and bought a Camper?" Joe chuckles.
"No I can't. It was definitely a spontaneous purchase. But a good one." Dianne giggles.
"It was. Now we just need to get it home." He laughs.
"Well Jamie is coming up so we can drive it back."
"We can. Its exciting."
"It is." Dianne smiles, messaging her Mum.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Is your Mum OK?" Joe smiles

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Is your Mum OK?" Joe smiles.
"She's good. I was just showing her pictures of Chippy."
"Ah good. I was just showing Jamie Chippy, too." He chuckles.
"He's your pride and joy, isn't he?" Dianne laughs.
"One of." He grins up at Dianne.
"Who's your other pride and joy?" She jokes.
"Oh I don't know. Someone with red hair and is from Australia." He smirks.
"Oh she sounds amazing."
"Meh she's alright," He jokes earning a punch on the arm and a hey to leave her lips. "I'm kidding," He walks closer. "She is amazing. She's my first pride and joy. Over anything or anybody." He bops her nose with his, causing her to smile.
"Good. Because a certain country boy Prince is my pride and joy." Dianne mumbles against his lips.
"I love you." He smiles.
"I love you, too," She smiles. "Can I have a shower before we go out for lunch?"
"Of course you can, gorgeous, you don't need to ask." He chuckles.
Giggling, she grabs a towel and heads into the bathroom.

- - - -

I don't have a sunny disposition
I'm not known for being too amused
My demeanor's locked in one position
See my face? I'm enthused
Suddenly, however, I've been puzzled
Bunny rabbits make me want to cry
All my inhibitions have been muzzled
And I think I know why

I'm being pulled in a new direction
But I think I like it
I think I like it
I'm being pulled in a new direction
Through my painful pursuit
Somehow birdies took root
All the things I detested impossibly cute
God! What do I do?

Mother always said be kind to strangers
But she doesn't know what they destroy
I can feel the clear and present dangers
When she learns that the boy...

Has got me pulled in a new direction
But I think I like it
I think I like it

I'm being pulled in a new direction,
But this feeling, I know is impossible,
So I'll confide that I've tried but I can't let it go.
It's disgustingly true!
Pulled, pulled, pulled!

Puppy dogs with droopy faces,
Unicorns with dancing mice,
Sunrise in wide open spaces,
DisneyWorld - I'll go there twice!
Butterflies and picnic lunches,
Bunches of chrysanthamums,
Lollipops and pillow fights and christmas eve,
Sugar plums!
String quartets and Chia Pets,
And afternoon banana splits,
Angels watching as I sleep,
And Liberace's Greatest Hits!

Have got me pulled in a new direction!
If they keep insisting, I'll stop resisting.
Just watch me pulled in a new direction.
I should stay in the dark,
Not obey every spark,
But the boy has a bite,
Better far than his bark!
And you bet I'll bite too,
Do what's truly taboo,
As I'm pulled in a new direction!

Dianne loved shower singing. And Joe loved the sound of her voice. It was like heaven. She didn't think so, but Joe thought she had the most amazing voice.

Whilst she was distracted, he gets the ring out from his hiding place as he admires it. Mark and Rina knew about the proposal as Joe had asked for Mark's permission, which he didn't even hesitate to give. He knew Joe was the one from the moment they met him. So once he'd asked their permission, Rina asked to see the ring. So of course he showed her, and explained it was a family heir loom and that it orginally belonged to his late Nan, Nanna Carole who was keeping it to one side for Joe's time. It was a tradition in any Royal family that any male who was courting would use their grandmothers ring to propose with. Hence, Joe's sister, Princess Zoe, who was courting future King, Prince Alfie, got his grandmother's ring. Joe however, would more than likely get engaged before Zoe as Alfie was still young and wasn't ready to get married just yet. Joe would have proposed after the six month mark, but he knew it would be rushed and he wanted it to be special. She was afterall, his first real girlfriend.

He felt nervous for the last day of the trip. But he definitely felt ready. He knew he was doing the right thing. He just needed to shake those nerves and make the proposal one to remember. One she definitely would not forget. He couldn't wait now.

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