20. Surprise Adoption

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Be prepared for a very cute chapter 🥺

It was a few mornings later and they could bring Theodore home. Because of the operation and how young he is, they wanted to keep him in a few days to keep an eye on him, and get him stronger before bringing him home.

So that's what they were doing today and they could not wait to get him home.
"I cannot wait for him to come home and get him back to normal." Dianne smiles, excited to get her little boy back.

''I know. I don't usually believe in God, but I truly believe that Daisy was sent to us from him.'' Joe replies, smiling.

''I completely agree.'' Dianne smiles.

''Come on, let's go and get-what the hell is that noise?'' Joe asks, looking around the ward, hearing a commotion.

''I'm not sure.'' Daring to walk closer, they follow the noise, seeing Teddy's Dr with another two doctors and a lady.

''Dr. Riley, is everything OK? Do you need any help?'' Asks Dianne.

''Oh hello,'' He says. ''We're fine, we've got a slight problem on our hands, but we're fine.''

''Anything we can help with?'' Asks Joe.

''Oh no, thank you though.'' 

''O-.'' The sound of the unfamiliar lady interrupts Joe mid-sentence.

''Actually,'' The lady approaches the young couple. ''Hi, I'm Allison, I'm a social worker,'' They nod confused. ''A lady just gave birth to a little baby girl, but has done a runner. We're trying to track her down. You haven't seen a young lady anywhere, have you?'' The couple shake their heads.

''Sorry no.''

''Not to worry. I was hoping we'd find her, get to the bottom of why she ran. If she was scared, we would have helped her, but seems now the baby will have to go into care.''

''Oh no that's horrible,'' Joe sighs. ''Myself and my fiancée could help you look for her?'' He offers.

''Oh would you? That would be so helpful, especially since you're a Prince. The more press the better, she may hopefully come forward then.'' Allison smiles.

''Of course, I'll put out as much messages as I can for you.'' Joe smiles.

''Thank you, your highness.''  She smiles, curtsying.

- - - - 

And that was what Joe did. The whole of the Royal family sent out as many messages and news reports as they could, for the past couple of days but still no sign on the Mother.

The young couple had made their way back to the hospital to see how the baby was doing, getting to meet her for the first time, as this was part of Joe and now Dianne's royal commitments. 

''Why would anybody abandon a baby?'' Dianne shakes her head.

''She can't have been in her right mind.'' Joe says, as they pull outside the children's ward. 

''I guess.'' She shrugs as they walk in.

''Ah, your Royal highnesses,'' Allison smiles, curtsying. This was the first time that anyone apart from Joe had referred to her as a Royal. It warmed her heart. ''Welcome back. Thank you for all your hard work.'' She smiles, sighing.

''Our pleasure. Any sign of her yet?'' Asks Dianne.

''Unfortunately not.'' She replies.

''Oh. Maybe she didn't want her, but didn't want to abort her?'' Replies Joe.

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