3. Worth The Risk

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''I've got a son.''

Those words didn't faze Joe. Not one bit. To some people it would faze and bother them. To Joe, it didn't. Joe thought Dianne was gorgeous anyway, but the fact she had a child, made her even more gorgeous in his eyes.

''Aww cute. How old is he?'' Smiles Joe.

''You're not running a mile. Oh my God.'' Gasps Dianne, not believing her eyes.

''Why would I?'' Questions Joe.

''All guys have.'' She sighs.

Joe pouts. ''Look, yes I'll admit it was a shock when you told me. But I'm not fazed at all. I think the fact you have a little boy, makes me more attracted to you..'' Joe stops, realising he'd said too much.

''You think I'm attractive?'' Asks Dianne.

''Yes of course. I wouldn't have asked out on a date if I didn't. I know we've only just met, but I'd really like to get to know you.'' Smiles Joe.

Dianne had the biggest smile on her face. ''Well then. In answer to your earlier question. My son is three. He's called Theodore. Teddy for short.''

Gushing, she gets her phone out and shows Joe some pictures of Teddy.

''This one is my favourite.'' She smiles.

'' She smiles

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''Dianne. He is adorable,'' Gushes Joe. ''Can I ask about his dad?''

''He's a waste of space, lets just say that.'' Dianne shakes her head.

''Well by the looks of things, you're doing an amazing job and he doesn't need his dad.''

''Thank you, Joe,'' She smiles gratefully. ''So a Prince, huh?''

A Week Later

Joe and Dianne were completely inseparable since their first meeting and date. They'd been hanging out ever since. They were that close, that even Joe and Jamie tagged along to their friend, Amy's, hen do.

It was safe to say, that Joe had developed a crush on the Australian redhead. But of course, he wouldn't say anything. Not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

Dianne too, was crushing on Joe. Again, she couldn't tell him because of the royal rules.

''J I don't know what to do. I'm really crushing on her, but I'm due to meet my bride next week. Help me. What do I do?'' Joe turns to his royal best friend for advice.

''I think to be honest Joe, I think you should go with your gut. I know you're not meant to date normal people, but surely your happiness should come first in your parents' eyes? Just talk to Dianne, tell her how your feeling then speak to your parents.'' Replies Jamie.

''Thanks J I think you're right. I'm going to go and talk to her. Wish me luck.'' Smiles Joe.

- - - -

Mum, what do I do? I can't fancy a Prince. It's forbidden, and Joe is meant to meet his potential bride next week, before he marries her next year. Dianne cries down the phone to her Mum, as Joe overhears. Plus when I told him about Teddy he didn't run. I know I've only known him a week, but he's different, Mum. Really different, and special. She finishes.

Then you tell him, Dot. You tell him exactly how you feel, and if you're meant to be together, then you'll find a way.

Joe could hear Rina, Dianne's Mum, reply to her daughter.

Joe didn't want to scare her, but he wanted to tell her how he felt. So he carefully approaches her, and taps her lightly on the shoulder. She jumps as she turns around.

Mum can I call you back? Thanks, give Teddy a kiss from me, OK, I'll talk to you later. Love you all, too.

''Joe? What are you doing here? Did you hear any of that?''

''I came to find you, to tell you something. And yes I heard all of that. But Dianne, I feel the same way.'' Admits Joe.

''You do?'' Replies a shocked Dianne.

''Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? You're everything I've wanted in a girl, and more. You're a million times more special than any of those girls I'm due to meet.'' Smiles Joe, taking Dianne's hand in his.

''But you've not met them yet, Joe. What if one of those girls is better for you than I am?'' Worries Dianne.

''They're not. I just know. I can feel it,'' He smiles. ''Look I know we're not allowed to date due to those stupid rules. But I'd love for you to be my girlfriend. I know you're in Australia and I'm in London, but we can make this work. We'll find a way around this.''

''But your parents.''

''I won't tell them. Not yet. I'll go ahead with their plan as normal, and meet the brides. But when it gets to the wedding, that's when I'll tell my parents I've met someone and I can't and won't get married.

I really don't care if I lose my title. I could not care less, as you're much more special than me becoming a King.

Trust me, we can make this work. Only if you want to?'' Finishes Joe.

''And what about seeing each other without getting caught? I can't leave Teddy again.'' Panics Dianne.

''You won't have to. I'll make up some stupid, lame excuses each time that I'm needed in different countries for business or whatnot, then I'll fly out to you.''

''Are you sure that plan will really work?'' Joe could sense the worry in Dianne's voice.

''No I'm not,'' He shakes his head. ''But you're worth the risk.'' He admits.

Dianne couldn't help the massive grin that had escaped her lips. ''That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. OK, lets do it. Yes Joe, I'll be your girlfriend.'' She replies with tear stricken eyes.

Joe felt his lip curl into an even bigger smile, as he pulls her into him. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he could feel her heart beating out of her chest, as he pulled her even closer.

''Can I kiss you?'' Joe asks in barely a whisper.

No words forming, Dianne nods, giving him the seal of approval.

That kiss to them both, was nothing either had experienced before.

They knew that this risk was worth it. 100%. They were willing to fight for their happiness.

Question is, would they get found out?

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