19. Unexpected But Good News

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It was two weeks later and Dianne had landed back in the UK and was on her way back to Joe.

''Joe?'' Dianne calls, opening the door.

''Dot?'' He calls. He picks her up and spins her round. ''Oh my God I have missed you.'' He breathes her in.

''I've missed you too. I'm so sorry I left. Especially without telling you, I just needed space.'' She admits.

''Hey you don't need to apologise, I know why you did it. I'm sorry I didn't text or ring you loads, I wanted to respect your decision and give you the space you asked for.'' He replied.

''Thank you. I needed it,'' She smiles, sighing slightly. ''How is he?''

''He's doing O-'' The ringing of his phone interrupts him mid sentence. ''It's the hospital.'' His breathing hitches.

''Oh shit.'' Dianne curses.


Hello is that Mr. Sugg?

It is yes.

Hi Mr. Sugg this is Dr. Riley. 

Is everything OK with Teddy? He was really worried now, expecting the worst.

Actually it is. Could you and Miss. Buswell get down to the hospital, your highness?

Confused, he looks at Dianne. Sure, we'll be right there.

Thank you, great. I'll see you soon. They hang up.

''Everything OK?'' A worried Dianne asks.

''Apparently, Dr. Riley has some news on Teddy. It sounds good, actually. But we need to go now.''

''Oh. I hope everything is OK, like he said. Alright, lets go.'' Grabbing their coats and Joe's car keys, they set off down to the hospital.

- - - -

Arriving at the hospital they go to the usual ward, seeing Dr. Riley stood outside waiting for them. ''Thank you for getting here so quickly,'' They nod. ''OK. So I won't keep you waiting. Shall we take a seat in the family room?'' Again they nod, following suit. ''Please take a seat,'' They sit. ''Right so I guess you're wondering why I've called you both in.''

''Yes we are. Is everything alright, Dr?'' Dianne asks, gripping Joe's hand.

''I have some good news. Unexpected, but good.'' He says.

''Oh?'' They both reply.

''You know how I said that there would be no cure for young Theodore?'' They nod, sadly. ''Well it turns out, we may have been wrong.''

''What?'' The young couple turn to face each other, then back to the doctor.

''Yes, usually with adult heart cancer they can get a transfer straight away. But with a child's one it's very rare they can get one as there's usually a waiting list. I didn't think to mention it because of how far gone it was, but it turns out,'' He pauses. ''We unfortunately lost a child, a little boy, the same age as Teddy yesterday.''

''That's horrible.'' Dianne replies.

''It is. But the young boy's mother wanted to donate his heart. She wanted to give his heart to someone deserving and when she heard about young Theodore, she wanted him to have it.''

Their ton of bricks felt like it had lifted, both of their hearts racing. ''What?'' Dianne spoke in barely a whisper.

''She wants him to have her son's heart?'' Joe replies.

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