17. The Cancer Has Returned?

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A. N this is a sad chapter

''Let me see. Let me see.'' Louise squeals, pulling Dianne in for a hug once they got back from their trip.

''Let her breathe, Lou.'' Jamie chuckles.

''She's fine,'' Dianne giggles. ''Here.'' She shows her hand off proudly.
"Wow. It's so pretty." Louise gushes.
"I know right. It was his grandmother's, which you probably know." She coos.
"Well yes, because mine was Jamie's grandmother's too." She replies with a smile on her face.
"Oh yeah of course." She giggles.
"Anyway, tell me all about how he did it." She smiles.

- - - -

Pulling up outside the King and Queen's house, it was eerily quiet.

''Mum? Dad?''

''They're not here, Joe.'' Dianne panics.

Checking his phone, he notices he had six missed call. ''Shit.'' He curses.


Joe, we don't want you to worry but we've been trying to contact you for a while. We need you to get to Battersea hospitala as soon as you can. It's Theo.

He read the messages from his Mum, all saying pretty much the same thing.

''No. No. No,'' Dianne paces the room. ''What if his cancer has come back, Joe?''

''Dot, we can't think like that. We need to go.'' Joe was trying to stay calm, but inside was terrified.

''Dude, let me drive you.'' Jamie offers.

''Are you sure? Don't you need to get home?''

''Mate, Teddy is more important right now. Get in the car. I'll drive you.''

''Thank you so much, J, you're such a good mate.'' Dianne smiles appreciatively.

''It's what friends do. Now come on, let's go.'' He grabs his car keys.

- - - -

Jamie pulls up outside the hospital. ''We'll leave you here. If you need us, just ring, OK?''

''Thanks so much, J. You're a true friend.'' Joe smiles, hugging his best friend.

''Anytime. Now go, your son is waiting.'' He lightly smiles.

Nodding, he takes Dianne's shaking hand as they head in.

''Hi, we're here for Theodore Sugg? We're his parents.'' Says Joe.

''Ah yes. He's in room 2006 with his grandparents and the doctor.'' The receptionist smiles.

''Thank you.'' They smile, finding the room number.

Taking a deep breath, Joe knocks. ''Come in.''

Opening the door, they see Teddy hooked up to machines, with his parents on either side of his bed, and the doctor. ''Joe, Dianne, you made it.''

''Mum what is going on?''

''Joe, son, this is doctor Riley,'' King Graham says. ''He's just about to run some tests on Teddy.''

''Why? What's happened?'' He asks.

''I don't want to worry you, but we found a lump.'' Queen Tracey replies.

Dianne felt like her world had shattered into a million pieces.

''What?'' Dianne turns to face the doctor. ''Do you think his cancer has come back?''

The London doctor's were made aware of Teddy's cancer previously so they knew what to look out as he had to have regular checkups.

The doctor sighs, and turns to both Dianne and Joe. ''We're not sure yet, but there is a possibility it could have come back.''

Dianne's legs gave way as she collapsed to the floor, her breathing hitching.

Joe lifts her up and places her on his knee. ''Dotty, breathe for me. Take deep breaths, in and out.. that's it... and again.. good girl.'' He manages to calm her down.

''Are you OK, Miss. Buswell?''

''No not really. But I need to stay strong for my son. Can you run the tests as quick as you can, please?''

''Of course, we'll do them now whilst he's asleep.'' She nods, numbly.

''Thank you.'' Joe replies, they nod leaving with a sleepy Theodore.

''I'm losing him Joe. I can feel it. My baby boy's cancer has come back.'' She weeps into Joe's shirt.

''Dianne we don't know that yet. We need to stay positive.'' He replies, knowing that she was more than likely right.

Not knowing what to reply with, she just says. ''Hold me.''

Around Two Hours Later

''Mr. Sugg? Miss. Buswell?''

''Joe? Dianne?''

Their names being called, wakes them up.

Jumping up, Dianne turns to the doctor. ''Any news?''

''Can you sit down, please?'' They knew this wasn't good.

They nod, sitting back down. ''OK, so,'' Dr Peterman starts. ''We did the advanced results so we could get them back quicker,'' He pauses. ''I'm so sorry to tell you but Theodore's cancer has come back. But this time, it's incurable.''

Hearing those words, both Joe and Dianne felt like a part of their life had died.

''No.'' Dianne cries, gripping onto Joe's tee.

''How long does he have left, doctor?'' Joe asks.

''We're not too sure. But less than a year.''

''Less than a year?''

He nods. ''It's looking that way.''

''My baby won't be at our wedding, Joe,'' She cries. ''He won't get to see any of his future siblings grow up. He won't fall in love, get married, and have kids of his own.'' She breaks down.

Their worlds were crumbling right there and then. Joe had only known Theo for two years, but he felt like he'd known him since the day he was born. The bond those two had was irreplaceable.

Joe didn't know what to say or do, so he just held her close. Not letting her go.

A Few Days Later

''How are you holding up, mate?'' Jamie asks his best friend.

Jamie and Louise were renting a house in London to be closer to Joe and Dianne to support them through this difficult time.

''Honestly? I feel numb. Two years. I've known him two years, J, yet I feel like I've known him his whole life. But I haven't. Am I even allowed to get upset over this? I mean, I'm not even his real dad, J. Am I allowed to grieve?''

''I'm gonna stop you right there, Joe.'' Jamie shakes his head. ''Of course you are allowed to grieve. He is your son too. Yes he may not be yours biologically, but you're more of a dad than that idiot, Spencer, ever was. Yes you've known him two years, but the bond you two have is one like no other. He adores you, Joe. I've seen the way he looks at you, he looks up to you, bro.

You are more than certainly allowed to grieve, Joe. Jesus, you'd be heartless if you didn't feel anything after the bond you have. I know you, mate. You're not one to express any emotions, but at a time like this, it is allowed. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here.'' He finishes.

As soon as Jamie said that, he broke down. He fully broke down.

The reality hitting him.

His son was dying, and he couldn't save him.

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