Ken Dolls [9]

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Tellie sat on the lounge in the recording studio, her eyes wandering around innocently as she watched people walk in and out of the room. To her the whole scene was terrifying, watching as people came in and left and Louis and Niall put on headphones and sang, then they'd switch with Zayn, Harry or Liam. It was horrifying for her.

"Are you okay love?" Liam asked softly, he walked over to the lounge in the back of the room watching as Tellie bit her finger nails.

"What's happening?" She asked innocently, she looked back and forth not sure which direction to look in.

"We're recording an album." Liam explained though Tellie had no idea what this 'album' thing Liam spoke of was. "And we need to finish it off so it can get released and people can buy it, after today it should be finished so don't worry about coming back here for a bit."

Still in awe and total confusion, Tellie nodded. Liam soon left her, and then she stayed in her seat, waiting as the time ticked by. She was bored as, but didn't dare say a word to anyone about that. Louis would occasionally walk over to her every hour or so and ask of she was okay, and Tellie would nod just out of the simple fact she didn't want to annoy him.

"Are you sure?" Louis would persist. He could see the fear and boredom that was painted on the petite girls face and felt guilty for making her sit here along for so long. But every time he asked, Tellie would just nod.

After another hour, Louis stood in front of Tellie, crouching down to her height so his eyes stared into hers.

"We can go love." He said in a hushed tone. Tellie showed no emotion, but got to her feet standing behind Louis as he stood straight once again.

"Louis," Zayn stared the urgency in his voice was obvious, and his voice was quiet as he stood near his friend so only he could hear. Tellie tried to make out what Zayn said next, but the only words she pulled out of his and Louis hushed conversation were 'fuck' and 'cheated'.

"Daddy..." Tellie whined. She tugged at Louis' shirt waiting for him to snap at her or abruptly tell her to just be quiet, but he did no such thing.

"Zayn, I actually really need to go now," Louis said as he took Tellie's small hand in his, "I've made her stay in here long enough..."

Zayn nodded. "Yeah, I'm surprised she hasn't been whining for food or something." Zayn paused. "Are we good?"

Louis didn't have an answer. The thought of Zayn cheating on Perrie
disgusted him. But under whatever circumstances Zayn had told him, Louis seemed to understand that Zayn regretted it, and that Perrie was obviously doing the same thing.

"Maybe-I don't know..." Louis bit his lip. "You cheated on your girlfriend in my house..."

"I have a feeling it might soon become ex girlfriend." Zayn pointed out.

"I need to go," Louis repeated, "Tellie come on." Louis walked towards the door, Tellie following Louis still holding her hand tightly.

"Bye uncle Zayn." Tellie waved, she slightly grinned at him, but her attention soon fluttered to Louis. "Daddy," she said curiously, "what's an album?"

"It's kind of like a collection of music," Louis replied, "it's one CD with about twelve or so songs on it."

"Why are you making one?" Telloe continued as she followed Louis down a staircase. The subject intrigued the small girl and she wanted to know more.

"You'll understand when you're older." Louis said. "It's a bit complicated for you right now."

Tellie frowned but didn't argue.

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